Allow the Original Poster (OP) to manage bug reports more (Changing the status from "Open" to "Closed" or "Fixed)

As a Roblox Developer, i found out that certain bug reports never get managed correctly. I already noticed that it was planned to add a option to see when a engineer gets assigned to your ticket but this is not the issue i am talking about on this suggestion. I find that often bug reports get fixed without a answer from Roblox Staff ever again, this includes when they fixed the issue but then just don’t mark it as fixed nor respond to the ticket

I also noticed certain topics still being set as “Open” despite being locked due to being solved already. For this suggestion, it would be nice if the OP had the same ability like roblox engineers to change the status from “Open” to either “Closed” or “Fixed”. This is smiliar from the feature request i already submitted here where i suggested it the opposite way:

It would be nice to see this added or more communication between Roblox Staff. If this would be added, it could probably improve my forum experience aswell as giving engineers more time to focus on specific bugs rather than investigating on bugs that were already fixed

As a small reference, this bug report has been locked since 4 months ago because it was fixed but it is still marked as “Open”

This would also be good when you managed to fix the bug privately but needs to get it set as Fixed and this would be a more quick and easy way than getting staff to do it


Additionally, a bug I reported randomly came back for no reason in particular after getting fixed lol

It would be nice if we could unlock bug reports manually for situations such as this instead of having to make a new report.

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Hey - we’re thinking the same thing. Great minds think alike! This is definitely something we want to do. Y’all should have a wait to signal to us that a bug isn’t actually fixed, so we can take another look. Stay tuned.