Allow Trails and Beams to use Animated Bone Positions (like Constraints)

As a Roblox developer, it is currently nice to be able to use bones as constraints and having them use animated positions. However, this update didn’t include other instances that make use of attachment movement, such as Trails and Beams. It would be neat if these instances and any others similar to them would get the same treatment in using animated bone positions instead of the default ones.

Here’s a demo of what we currently have. There are two bones in the end of the mace, both of which are used as the attachments in a connected trail. They don’t follow animated positions of the bones:

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because it would make it more convenient to use trails and beams on animated bone rigs. Right now, the current work-around is to make use of the TransformedWorldCFrame and position a different set of attachments to follow the bones’ animated CFrames every frame using RunService. However, this can get annoying to code, especially if more trails and beams are to be used.

Here’s the work-around version:

Hopefully this can come in the future. Thanks for reading!


I have written similar code using RenderStepped, was not a happy experience, this should be done automatically.


I am so happy you made this topic, this is the exact problem I also had to deal with just by connecting the constraint to a part which I constantly change the position to the animated position of the bone in a renderstepped loop. Roblox please fix.


Maybe try it again? : )
Please let me know if you have any feedback.


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