Allow us to Enable / Disable GuiButton

Currently, it is too challenging to create intuitive and robust UIs without tearing out my hair.

Use-case: There are times when I’d like my Buttons not to be interactable but still shown on screen.
The current workaround is adding an if statement to the event handlers for the GuiButton; however, this complicates things and it doesn’t work perfectly. Suppose you hover over a GuiButton, your mouse cursor changes indicating that it is clickable but it isn’t, which causes confusion and bad UX. this also applies to TextBox as well

Since GuiObject.Active doesn’t do what we expect it to, and it is unlikely that Roblox would change its behavior; I think a new property would suffice better for this use-case.

Another use-case would be automatically adding Sound Effects to UI Buttons using Tags and Attributes; however, this would go out of hand quickly because you’d have to add redundant if statements to all event handlers which isn’t ideal. (although If statements are mandatory because we do not have Instance:DisconnectAll)