Allow us to freely transfer our games between our profile / groups

I understand that what I said was harsh but it’s been 6 years & it’s upsetting that no one has confirmed that the feature is ever going to exist or whether it’s being worked on at all. CountLoops said that they are working ‘on how best to address it’ which could mean they will address it in a few years time by announcing that the feature isn’t something they feel is worth adding.


Just to add my experience with this: Innovation Security migrated from a profile game to a group game as part of a major rewrite. However, not being able to transfer the game:

  • Left the millions of place visits around.
  • Confused users to why a previously visited/favorited game was now closed.
  • Left a game pass + badge behind under the old game.
  • Relied on us to do a copy of the DataStores.

We were a bit lucky that there is a requirement to be a group member to play the game, so <75K users to migrate. However, we had to take 10 hours of downtime after a week of testing and planning to do this (originally, this was looking at 16 hours). For a larger game, like the Innovation Inc Labs or Arctic Base, this would have easily taken weeks due to Open Cloud’s one-at-a-time nature with rate limiting. Being able to transfer a game to the group would have prevented that, and would help a couple of others I am close to in the future that aren’t willing to take the same compromises we did.


If transferring games to a group proves to be too difficult for whatever reason, a feature that most of us would appreciate instead would be a way to change where earnings for a game (such as gamepasses, developer products etc) go. So instead of it going to the game owners funds, it goes to the group funds of a specified group. It seems the main reason that most of us want this feature is for the sake of paying our developers, so I think it would be a good solution to the problem.


Now this, once again, I am still hoping this happens someday.

I do remember something where roblox would manually do this a few years back.

How that worked is you’d give the game link to transfer to a link to a group owned by the same user as who owns that game linked and the roblox team would manually do this for the devs.

It was a temporary sorta test run thing… that just shows that THIS IS possible but roblox is just refusing to allow US DEVELOPERS to do this very feature.

I have tried to find this again to prove this actually happened but seemingly traces of this are gone… I could be misremembering but I highly doubt it as I kept going back to that post to see if it had been reopened since I found it over these years.


Big update! Today, the fourth part of Roblox’s new Creator Roadmap was revealed! Under the “Collaborate more efficiently as a team” section is a new feature which looks like it solves this longtime issue!

  • Experience Ownership Transfer - Transfer ownership to another individual or team (Mid 2023)

Whooo!. I am saved. Especcially for my zombie survival game.

This could be problematic if an account or a group gets compromised.

Hi, my honest opinion says if you dont share token or paste anything in developer console, which could let scammers get into your account, then you wont have such problems as u have mentioned earlier.

Only took them over half a decade. I get that it’s an old website and hard to change however this wait for an incredibly useful feature is really annoying.

Still waiting, got any updates on this?


Is there any news on this feature?

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Please add the feature when I created my game I didn’t have 100 robux

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This is really needed, why did Roblox not add this yet??

Good thing they addressed it 6 years later at RDC 2023 haha

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Thanks, didn’t see that, appreciated

Are you telling me that one of the steps to transfer my game to my group is to buy a Game Pass worth 30,000 Robux? This is ridiculous! The good thing is that the price will go down to nothing in the future. I hope they keep their word.


This would be a lifesaver, please roblox

This seems to have been released to the public:

@stantelook_GoldCoin @Snapdragon471


You can’t transfer a game from a group to a profile so this hasn’t truly fulfilled the original request

But yes most cases will be solved, such as @stantelook_GoldCoin’s, with Roblox’s new release of profile-to-group transfers.