Allow us to freely transfer our games between our profile / groups

That’s a bold statement to make when most of us have said that we made these games years ago, and now we have developers in our team who we need to pay. I never predicted to have so many developers helping me on the game I own, nobody could’ve told me 6 years ago I would have developers helping me, and that I therefore should have it on a group.


I think a better approach to this would be being able to transfer data. Right now I think you cannot do this. Then, you could download the place file of the game, and reupload it to your group.


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There is the thought of loosing our favourites, visits, rating etc, and having to move our players to a different game, but you are right, in our case, transferring data would mostly fix the problems we face.


There is also an issue that nobody has mentioned yet. If you agree to pay a contributor certain amount, while accepting to cover the tax yourself, you have to add around 43% to the net amount, while setting t-shirt or game pass price. That means for you to pay someone 100,000 robux, you have to shell out 142,857 and not simply 130,000.

This is because the tax is being counted based on the gross amount.

This, and also that I do not consider buying t-shirts or game passes a serious payment option anyway, has been THE reason for abandoning the Crazy Stairs in favour of the sequel.

I absolutely support this idea.
Transferring ownership and moving experiences (including all of it’s stats, assets and datastore) should absolutely be a thing.

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Is there any update on this? I’ve been patiently waiting for this feature for years. It would be in an incredible help for me and many other developers.

Is it foreseeable in 2023?


if roblox did this i would looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this


I hope this will be a feature in the future, I tried to send the request to Roblox support but they said they cannot do that

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Words cannot describe how much I need this. Many of my games would perform much better if they were able to be directly managed by my group. Instead, I have to consider them games as part of my group, despite being on my profile, which then ends up confusing players.


I wouldn’t really want this to happen.
Ok, I do agree that this would be a good idea but think this.
A developer, a famous one gets hacked.
The hacker can steal and put it on his group.
Now developer is poor because income is not coming in.


It should be pin locked then so the hacker cannot move the game without the pin


Why is this still not a thing??? It’s been almost 7 years… WHY IS ROBLOX NOT LOOKING AT THIS???


Did you actually read through the thread before responding? :slightly_smiling_face:

They’re clearly looking at the thread. It’s also clear there are a lot of roadblocks internally so they probably haven’t been able to prioritize it or there are a lot of things that need to happen before under the hood before they can ship something like this.


I’m here to say that even ~6 years later developers are still having this issue, and that it’s very important to fix it.
It isn’t a small group of people, there are popular developers that replied and supported this topic.
There’s evilitself that resumed the problem perfectly
The last roblox staff response made by @Seranok was in June last last year. He said they have their eyes on the thread and are aware of the issue.
I hope that this could be solved this year (my hopes) since ~6 years is already ridiculous imo for something this important robux-wise.
If instant-one button transfer has issues, the profile game to group game program could be reinstated and be a solution, but not for a temporary time (like in 2016), but as a definitive medium for solving these issues.


Now this, this is what I need! It would make game transfers so much easier!


Are there any updates on this? This is something we need in 2023


Thanks for all the engagement on this. We know this is a highly requested feature, and while we can’t promise a timeline yet we are working on how best to address it. Will provide an update as soon as we’re able to!


This is great to know. Now I can move all my current games to my current used group. Thank you for responding to this idea.


This is what happened to my game. When I made my game, I was very new to the website and didn’t know the benefits of having a game tied to a group, like collaboration, payouts, and having multiple games linked in one group for players to find easily. Now it is too late for me to re-upload the game to a group because millions of players have save data and Passes attached to the game already.


2 years ago I had to distribute a percentage with one of my friends who helped me with one project.
We decided to do 50/50, tho I was the creator of the game. I put 50000 robux in Major Creations so we could actually share the earnings, and got back only 31000 robux.
After 6 years of the no tax dev-sharing feature request appeared, there is still nothing new, just false hope and ignorance.
What do we have to do for the Staff community to understand our situation and give us a hand? I can’t waste 19000 robux each time just to share half of it, if we do the maths, instead of 50/50 we will be getting 35/35% of the earnings, without taking in mind that roblox also takes 30% off whenever someone buys a gamepass.

More and more Big game developers like @haz3mn @BuildIntoGames @Ultraw @Coeptus are trying to make this feature an existent one.
How long do we have to wait?
Why giving us fake hope?
Everyone lost their hope, everyone’s just so tired of asking.
Please do something.
At least a game-percentage distribution, without the need of a group.
I’m sorry to everyone who has lost 30% of their money just to distribute it to their devs.