Allow us to tell if PerformanceStats is visible

As a Roblox Developer it is currently impossible to work your GUIs around the engine’s PerformanceStats menu.

Currently, because we’re not able to tell if this menus is open, it creates issues where the GUI overlaps in a game’s GUI.

Its already possible for CoreScripts to read the state of PerformanceStats with UserGameSettings.PerformanceStatsVisible and the PlayerList has always utilised it. The member isn’t ReadOnly so it probably wont be a good idea to unlock this.

The Chat doesn’t have this behaviour because it has the same restriction as our code, unable to tell if it’s open

If Roblox were to address this issue it would not only improve my experience, but also many players who can have the PerformanceStats menu up but still have access to the game’s entire GUIs without overlapping issues.

ps. I initially requested having this for the Microprofiler as well, but I believe thats not in the GUI rendering pipeline, not an impossible task to tell if it’s just open though with a boolean or smth


Maybe the windows should just have an opaque mode with some hotkey combination or cycling through transparencies (e.g. 1 (disabled), 0.5, 0) when you hit its hotkey? That way they don’t need to design an API for it and devs don’t need to write custom code for it.

I think you should retitle this after the problem instead of proposing a solution: your problem is that you cannot see the performance stats properly on games that have lots of UI or a busy background otherwise. My solution above and yours are just two ways of solving this problem. There may be others, and it’s pointless to create multiple threads for this.

ref: Feature requests should be about problems, not solutions: How to post a Feature Request