Allow users with verification badges to post bug reports and feature requests

As a Roblox developer with a verified badge, Roblox deems that I am ‘authentic and notable’, however it is impossible for me to post bug reports or feature requests.

Many developers on Roblox who do development for a living (like me), have no way to provide feedback and report bugs on the platform. I understand that there are numerous logistical challenges with opening the flood gates to bug reports and feature requests. However, I believe that there is no reason why a user with a verified badge (who Roblox has deemed to be ‘notable and authentic’) should not be able provide feedback to the platform.

I believe that verified users and other notable users should be fast-tracked into the bug and feature request programs while the growing pains are being sorted out by Roblox staff.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, not only would it allow me and many others to provide valuable feedback, it would make us feel respected and heard on the platform we devote so much of our lives too.


Horrible idea. Anyone can purchase an illegitimate checkmark with zero risk of punishment, let alone even just having the checkmark revoked.

On top of that, just because someone has a check mark, even assuming it was legitimate, that doesn’t mean they’re going to be trustworthy with making good quality devforum posts.
There’s even been a couple times on here when actual Roblox verified staff accounts have posted outright spam (note: probably just a disgruntled/bored intern or something similar, but the point still stands)

You can still post to the bug support team or apply for the bug reporting group if it’s that bad. Additionally, considering you’re running a 77k+ member group with 40ish development related people (including the QA team) it’s highly likely at least one of them has access to post bug reports.


This may be an unpopular opinion but I’m personally of the opinion that the verified checkmark should remain solely to prevent impersonation (or at least try to, given how many illegitimate accounts have it), not only are many notable developers not eligible for the checkmark (because of the flawed follower requirements) but providing access to #bug-reports to all verified badge creators would slow the rollout for many other creators who have requested access and been waiting for months.


I agree that in an ideal world the verified badge in this case should not provide any advantage. However, currently the system is severely flawed and many sizeable developers have no access to reporting at all. Obviously Roblox staff are working their hardest towards a proper solution to opening up bug reports and feature requests, and the point I’m making is that giving verified users access to these systems would be a simple way to expand the program to trusted and notable users in the mean time.

I disagree with your point about how this would slow the rollout for other creators. Aside from the fact there are not that many verified users, developers with a verified checkmark have proven to Roblox that they are a significant figure in the development space and provide value to the platform. The current bug report group requesting system is a first-come-first-served system, and all you have to do is click a button to apply. It makes total sense to prioritise access to legitimate developers who do development for a living, rather than old mate Jimmy who’s 13 years old and codes on Roblox for fun.

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Hey there, anyone can request bug report access by sending a join request to the @AllowBugReports group. More information here: The Big Bug Reporting Update. I recommend you send a join request and wait to be accepted to that group.

We have no interest in privileging people with a verification badge here on the forum.

As per the FAQ page on the verification badge feature:

The Verified Badge is a visual indicator that allows users to easily identify notable and authentic creators, developers, groups, and off-platform figures. The badge indicates that Roblox has confirmed that the account authentically belongs to the user or group it represents, and that they meet our criteria for notability.

Its purpose is that and only that, it implies no other trust or privilege.


No. A lot of ‘Verified’ users has paid for this.


Glad, it would be so easy to abuse it. Wise decision. :melting_face:

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