Alternatives or fixes for using \n in kick messages?

So on July 20th, Tiffblocks responded to a thread mentioning that the option to use \n in kick messages was removed due to an exploit. It’s been around 5 months since this change and the option to use \n still hasn’t been implemented back into Roblox.

I was wondering if anyone was able to find an alternative to this or is the only way to not use it at all?

Hey just wrote something up now, essentially its adding an invisible character in place of a newline X amount of times to simulate a new line.

This in itself is a really ugly implementation however if you do some manual configuring or a dynamic amount of invisible characters being added depending on the position in the text it can get a lot better.

local invisibleChar = ("ㅤ"):rep(28)

local function createKickMessage(msg)
    local msg = string.gsub(msg, "\n", invisibleChar)
    return #msg < 200 and msg or error("Too many characters")

game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick(createKickMessage("test \n ok \n wow"))
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