Am I allowed to use Verified Unicode for the chat tag?

Hi devs,

I recently added a premium symbol chat tag for premium players in my game. while finding the symbols, I also found Verified symbol Unicode. I wondered if I could use it for the game developer’s chat tag. (normal emojis don’t fit well so it’s not pretty).

What do you guys think?

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no u cant (cuz its pretending to be a verified user even if u do it with the intention)
this emoji is nice for the chattag tho


as I mentioned this not looking good. (idk)

why dont u put [] between the emoji

Hey! Yes, you can use the verified Unicode as it’s your chat system. I am sure you won’t get into any trouble as people already do this.

Also, this belongs in #help-and-feedback:game-design-support and not #development-discussion. Please change the category or you may face moderator action.


When a verified user chats in roblox, they have the verified unicode icon, wouldnt that be make players think theres a verified user if the game doesnt have a leaderboard

Err, what do you mean by that?

Verified user in leaderboard:

If the leaderboard gets disabled (smth u can do in scripts), and u use the verified user unicode
Verified user talking in chat

My words only apply if u put the icon after the username, if it is behind the username, then thats fine,
ur words apply if its behind the username
but most of the people that i am friends with that use this put it after the username and disable leaderboard

I just prefer using premium icon instead of verified cuz premium icon in chat is not a thing