"An error occurred while starting Roblox Studio"

I’m having the same issue? I cant even open my roblox studio at all without it just crashing instantly. Very annoying

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I think this error is caused by a typo, in the error message, before “RobloxStudioBeta.exe” are TWO backslashes instead of one.


Can’t confirm at all. I’m able to open Studio without error in anyway I can.

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Hello, I Can Confirm this bug, I’ve had the same problems as you have a few days ago.

The Solution it was uninstall roblox studio from my pc and then re-install it.

Thank You for reporting it.

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Thanks but if you read my second post you’ll see that I already did it but nothing changed.


Kind of the same issue happening here too. But something is with the drivers here.

I think roblox won’t give you support here, at this point I recommend you open a ticket [ Here ] And Select “Technical support”

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No, this is the official site for Studio bug reports.

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Try to open studio as an admin, it worked for me.


Again, Yours is not a bug at this point but Some issue probably related to your pc, if not even uninstalling and installing it helped and probably a problem related to you, and the roblox staff on this post will never answer you, it’s not a bug that other people have experienced at this point as well.
I had a similar problem of yours as mentioned above but uninstalling and installing it worked So I repeat that to fix your problem, as soon as possible contact the roblox staff [ Here ]


I believe it’s from my PC, too. Actually, someone said to “Open File Location” where Roblox Studio is and then you open the RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe. I finally got to have it installed properly after and decided to open a certain published place. The issue I am facing now is that I can’t open that certain place.
My/your network and the computer itself might be the cause of these two Roblox Studio issues.

For the real thing. Are there anything that they can implement to track this problem? I happened to reinstall Roblox thrice.


The problem changed after installing Studio 515.
Now, when I want to open my place via Chrome, I get ‘Access denied’:


But if I open my Chrome with Administrative privileges, Studio will open.


Hello i had the same problem i literally spent a week doing different tests the only thing that worked was somehow to “format” roblox studio follow the steps below

Try to change RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe to be opened as Admin.

If you are using a windows type the key “windows” + R that will open the run tab where you must type “regedit” that will open the registry editor inside it open the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Softwares and delete everything that is named by roblox (just do this with roblox as this will clear the app cache) and thus format it

I hope it helped you :sunglasses:

The Key elevation bug is when Studio tries to read registry keys as the wrong user.

Whats happening is Studio is trying to read another user’s registry keys, which Windows does not allow, at all.

Elevating the app will obviously bypass this since it’s allowed to access any registry.

Working on something so you dont have to do this :slight_smile:


This certainly explains my case, as my Windows 10 has 3 different users and eventually a second user accesses Studio.
And as we know, when there is a new version available, Studio automatically updates without asking.
So I think this must be the explanation: Studio is getting lost in creating registry keys, switching to other users who update Studio, and preventing the previous user from accessing.

Well Roblox, here are the clues.
Who will take action?

Any updates on this? I accidentally denied admin rights when upgrading Roblox Studio and now I’m having all sorts of errors. I don’t trust myself with the registry editor.

This stopped happening to me from the moment I stopped installing Studio as Admin and, at the same time, prevented Studio from being installed in “C:\Program Files” with this workaround:

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