Analytics: Server memory usage by server age

[Update] December 13, 2024

Hi Creators,

Recently, we added a new chart to break down server memory usage by category and expanded the amount of memory available to your game servers.

Today, we’re launching a new chart in the server tab of your performance page to break down your server memory usage by server age:

Charting average memory consumption at different runtime milestones allows you to visualize the growth in server memory over the lifecycle of a server.

This is helpful when diagnosing memory leaks, as the impact of servers starting and stopping is isolated.

Currently, the amount of memory allocated to a server is 6.4GB + (MaxPlayers * 100MB). If you exceed this amount, your server will crash. Significant increases in memory consumption over the lifecycle of a server may suggest a memory leak that needs to be resolved.

If your server memory by age chart is showing a rapid increase, then you should investigate potential memory leaks. Use the category breakdown to isolate where the increase is coming from.

Please note, although game servers can live longer than 24 hours that this the chart is limited to 24 hours.

Happy Holidays & see you in 2025!
Analytics team


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Being able to spot memory leaks at a glance, and see what general part of the system is causing them, is extremely valuable. Chill.


For many Experiences, they have a memory leak that continues to grow and then at some point the server crashes and all users get kicked out - making for a frustrating player experience.

Or they release an update that uses a lot more memory and that causes crashes.

This new chart enables you to see if you have a memory leak and optimize before it becomes a problem or if you do a release to pinpoint that you have a sudden increase in memory and you can investigate the before and after and with the category/sub-category breakdown you can pinpoint the general area that’s growing.

especially for devs that have teams of QA testers and such

Many creators don’t have a team of QA testers


What devs on the platform will have a team of QA testers that will catch subtle memory leaks that may arise slowly after hours?


Does your QA team keep your servers on for over 12h?

This is great for developers that can’t test their game for extensive periods of time and then find out memory leaks that build up slowly overtime


An update doesn’t need to be the most important update possible, it just needs to be an improvement. This is an objective improvement so there’s no reason to be upset.


I get this - but if you are releasing a good game that you think will strongly hit the roblox algorithm, you should get a team of testers; it’s key in game development

Unless I am making this up, I’m pretty sure there is something inside of Roblox studio that shows this already (in the output or something) - but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t there.

QA team don’t keep the servers on, I’m talking about the testers that test the game before release.

If they test the game before it is released, they would have noticed thus having it patched before release.

I wasn’t getting upset, if it seems as I was, I apologise


Detecting memory leaks is a major pain point for so many developers, myself included. This is huge!


Idk if you’re trolling or if you just don’t understand what this update is for, but a QA team won’t always catch memory leaks that take hours to actually build up to become a problem. Sometimes it takes a large throughput of an actual playerbase for memory leaks to become noticeable.

There’s also a lot of teams at roblox, the analytics team has been doing really well with the updates they’ve been releasing the past couple of years.

This chart is insanely useful, thank you as always analytics team :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m not 100% sure about what this update is for, I may have just skipped through it and not understood properly.

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This mindset is restrictive and you don’t necessarily adress what the people who replied to you have said. If you can’t get QA testers, its likely you can’t because of valid reasons like not having a community before launch or enough money to hire people; even in that case you would need people reviewing your code (since memory leaks are hard to spot) instead of just playing the game, which is a much worse alternative than this new feature.

Otherwise, this is a great feature as always.


Great thing! I once stayed for hours on a server, monitoring the memory usage because I wasn’t sure if there was a memory leak :sweat_smile:


Multiple engineers & interns at Roblox could be working on different projects simultaneously, just because this one got released now, doesn’t mean they aren’t doing anything else important.

QA testers are also rarely ever qualified to actually understand how any of these things work, as they’re usually just random people from a games community or the developers friends. Memory leaks are often complex problems that only people with access to the games code can fully ascertain most of the time, and the more obvious ones that players can easily trigger do not require a QA team.

I have no clue why you’re so insistent on this, many updates include things that aren’t immediately useful to all developers on this platform, and you chose to complain about one of the most useful additions that I can think of in a while.

Are there ways to achieve this functionality without the graph? Sure, just run a server for 12+ hours by yourself or convince QA testers to sit around for that long. The problem with that, though, is that it requires planning & a certain level of time investment that not all developers can do, nor should have to do.


When you say “6.4GB + (MaxPlayers * 100MB)” does that mean that if you have 50 max players you’ll have 11.4GB or does it only consider the current player amount such as 8.4 GB for 20 out of 50 players.

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would it be possible to automatically use the memory heap profiler every hour or so? biggest painpoint is figuring out what exactly is causing the memory leak, which thus far requires manual intervention.


Ohhh yes… finally… this will be really helpful. I typically blame rare lag/bugs in my game(s) on old servers (which go unfixed because they’re really difficult to diagnose) - but now I should be able to fix them! Woooo!

This is a great feature, thank you.


Well… I better get to work! :rofl:


Thank you!!! I thought this was a no-brainer. A couple of statistics we have now seem like they’d be very useful aggregated in a similar way too.

Client memory usage over session length would be useful for the same reason as this, for example.

Client framerate over session length and server cpu time over server lifetime could be used to spot niche issues where low memory iterated data is retained by accident too.

I’m not sure what the max duration for client side session length could be, but maybe simply aggregating fewer data points as session length goes longer would be sufficient. i.e. the first 5 minutes have more data than at 30m. Variable precision might be okay.

It looks like this graph produces a general trend slope, maybe we can plot the trend slope over time so we can see more easily over a range of time when that slope increases. This would make tracking update impact much easier, rather than making us babysit the analytics manually before and after updates. Right now, this graph just shows us that we have a leak, currently.

This would be my one big ask of this change.

Great update, don’t need 3rd parties to track everything now :+1:

I think this is a pretty good step in the right direction, but I feel it’s a little vague at the moment.

What is CoreMemory:Total?

I feel this is good but it needs some more elaboration/documentation.