Animate your Avatar with your movement

It’s a real disruptive on a smaller screens and frankly enough it doesn’t offer any function at all, the BETA just shows the information about how they record your voice when this consensus is shown upfront when enabling the spatial voice feature. It’s fine if it’s disruptive yet functional.

This is not efficient, you might find yourself activating this gestures upon swiping your camera.

Made a concept once again:

Since the 3 buttons (Camera, Microphone, Chat) offers communication let’s group them into 2 (Immersive; camera & mic, Written; textchat).

The Communication Button expands horizontally overlapping the TextChat. This is modal (If a player click outside the frame will collapse). So the player won’t feel locked or isolated with the Immersive Communication and we can also remove the “X” button. This will not increase the CoreGuiInset.


So, it’s just a glorified About box telling you that you’re being recorded. How useless.

I thought about that when making my post, but I assumed nobody would use that side to control the camera anyways. I personally don’t.

However, I realized later that this might interfere with system wide phone/tablet gestures (especially in Android 10 or later using gesture navigation). Since the “top bar” is empty, Roblox should add a button and an optional keybind to each action. I’m not a fan of expandable menus as I like to keep my mouse sensitivity high (misclicking is a problem for me sometimes), and this can be an issue in first/second-person games where keybinds are the only available option while playing (unless you want to disrupt yourself to turn on/off camera).

That’s a flaw with the modal dialogs, is that you cannot close them. Toggle menus have been better. No close button, it just toggles visibility of a frame. The issue with modal dialogs in a video game is because clicking will activate a tool (like a gun) that you might really not want to activate.

Grouping sacrifices efficiency for organization. I don’t feel the need for it to be organized like this. It’s like you’re trying to put different brands of clothing into different closets. The previous design seemed better (in terms of UX) but was not as visually appealing.

However, considering we have this supposed compatibility limitation where games put stuff on the removed section of the top bar, why did Roblox remove it? There was no point. You could just make it transparent and click through it I’d imagine. On top of that, the removed top bar just looks bad in my opinion. Maybe I just don’t like the UI placement not being symmetrical on X and Y of the screen.

A possible solution to this is to simply divide the top bar into sections. A section can be called “Communication”, and it can contain the buttons for Chat, Camera Access, and Microphone Access. These sections can be dragged around and reordered, hidden, edited, and collapsed by the user. This would ideally be the best UX design. The user can add their own sections as well as buttons that can replace or coexist with keybinds used in the PlayerModule, and vice versa. Think of how cool it would be to have a button to open the Developer Console on mobile in the top bar! Or maybe a button to adjust camera sensitivity, control graphics quality, enable/disable mouselock (on mobile, of course), and more.

This solution is generic and also solves other UX issues or limitations. But Roblox would probably never make this a reality because of compatibility reasons.


There’s also something to be said for Roblox being a very social platform. This brings a new level of expression to our avatars and will probably pave the way for future integration with face-tracked VR headsets as well as game-specific developer integration for storytelling. I don’t think I could have ever seen this not being implemented just because it’s so important for making avatars feel alive.

TLDR: Roblox may shine best with games, but they’re social games. And this is a crucially social feature going forward.


I don’t really think we need it, like, it’s okay, I think it might be only useful for VR games, because for other games it’s practically useless, like Arsenal, why would I want facial animations while I’m shooting at other people?


I’m not going to lie, I would be quite angry if this were added, I despise the gestures (Pixel 7)


Another use I can think of is Roleplay games. I mean it still isn’t necessary for the game to be fun, but it can help immersion.


Yes, that would be the only other use case


I’m fine with gesture navigation on my Android devices. I prefer it, actually. Switching apps requires only one touch.

But this will never be added. Android 4 apps that used the menu layout API (not sure what it was called) were put into a compatibility state to make room for system wide gestures. Roblox likely cannot do the same since devices are different.


I have had an android phone since the Geeksphone Blackphone (2011) so I only know that layout, so definitely could not work with a gestures Roblox update


Is this feature for the whole avatar or only for the head? If its for the whole avatar could someone please show a small video of it working?


I don’t think Players would be able to animate their whole avatars unless they’re on Studio. By logic, this would be for heads.


Don’t know, the title says animate your “avatar” with your movement but I only see heads being animated


Might just be another misunderstanding on how Roblox phrases things.


We’re confused. Let me clear things up.

It’s actually called “Animation Capture - Body”. This one utilizes the “Animation Capture - Face”.


Can we please get a dislike button on this site? I only ask because of this feature. I don’t feel like it was necessary and I hate it.


Hello, i’ve been seeing this error everytime i try to turn on the in game facial animation camera and i haven’t been able to use it ever since it came out.
I’ve tested with lots of avatars too, is there a solution to this am i doing anything wrong? (my webcam works by the way)
oh also i can use the face animator for the animation editor just fine on studio.


You’re gonna have to ask Discourse, there would be a lot of uses for that


Discourse does have a plugin for Forums that allows you to dislike posts, but Roblox probably won’t see a good reason to add it to the Forum.


This UI is just comically bad. But overall awesome update :smile:


Almost a week after this now, I am still unable to see the “Use camera to animate your avatar with your movement” toggle. Any ideas of when I can expect to see this or why I don’t see it?