Animating non-characters with Motor6D's is painfully slow without plugins

So I’ve been learning some simple Animation tricks and Motor6D’s are clearly a massive issue for Animating currently without using external plugins or tools not readily available to all Developers at this point in time.

You should be able to Create Motor6D’s the same as you can with ConstraintWelds like an attachment, it would be incredibly useful and save developers a lot of time. Would also be really amazing to be able to select one part as the PrimaryPart and select all of the SecondaryParts then it automatically creates Motor6D’s connecting all of the SecondaryParts to the PrimaryPart that is selected.

Note: I’m aware there are plugins that allow you to do this but it should be something any Developer can do without requiring a plugin externally. P.S. Can you please add a non-character RIG to the Rig Builder plugin by Roblox.