Animation Being Offset in game for cutscene

Hello! I’m working on a commission for an ingame cutscene, in which i am using moon animator 2, i’ve had problems similar to this in the past though in extremely less exagerated instances, but, opposite to how it is testing it in studio through moon animators cinematic playback, the exported animation files seem to be malfunctioning when i test the game, as in most of the characters are appearing all over the place offset in different xyz locations, and there doesnt seem to be any kind of logic or order to it as if the whole animation was just offset, it seems that its completely disoriented in different ways. I’d post video for you guys, but the people who hired me to do he commission would prefer to keep the project low key and have asked i don’t post video, but i can post a picture or two.

I had trouble capturing a good pic as the camera cframe is being hindered by other loops going on in the test as i’m renderingstepping the camera cframe instances, which is a problem of its own, but not the one i’m focusing on rn.

The circled guy is supposed to be standing on the ground, but as you can see he’s offset, and not even near where he should be. Some of the other characters also seem to be jittering around when they are supposed to be stationary. I have all the humanoid rootparts of all my characters in the cutscene anchored, and all the other limbs unanchored as they have to be for the animation to play. I’ve tried all sorts of different combinations of collision as well to see if maybe there was somehow for some reason a collision problem, but that didnt fix anything either.

This is a big problem, and I really need to understand why it’s happening and how to fix it. Can anyone help?


My team is having this same problem with a bossfight,

Here you can see how the boss rolls over like he should in the editor.

When running animation ingame, the character gets offset insanely far and clips trough the ground.

This problem occurs when changing Size of a character it amplifies movement by ALOT (for some reason)

We changed these Sizes to make the boss alot bigger which in the end made the animation shoot 3 times further out than expected.

There’s nothing we could find to fix this issue other than manually offsetting the animation itself, This is ALOT of work and I resist to do such useless work if this can just be fixed.

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I figured this out a while ago. So basically, its the hip height, make sure the hip height is at 2 which is the default.