Animation broken wen played in script, parts that are parented to the main part isn't moving like they should

hey everyone,
I’m having a issue with a broken animation in moon animator.
What the animation looks like in moon animator:

What the animation looks like when played in script:

I have had this issue before when uploading an animation from blender to roblox but now it happened again but with moonanomator, I have already uploaded one animation on this rig that worked fine but this time it clearly didn’t, If anyone has any idea how to fix this issue please answer this post, I’m very grateful for any help.

Now that I have looked in to it further it seem like everything that is parented to the main part which is the handle with a bones/motor6D as they are called in roblox isn’t moving as much as they should be.

fixed in this post:Animations from Moon Animator 2 and Blender broken in Roblox