Animation does not play in-game as animated in editor as effect of bundle attachments

I was told to bring my problem here after receiving some help in this post:

  1. I’m creating some animations for a gymnastics game of mine and I want to make a skill called a “front giant”.

  2. The issue is that whenever I animate it, the hands have to stay in place and the torso goes in a 360, but when I test it in the game, the hands are not placed correctly. (There are video examples in the post linked above)

  3. I have looked for solutions on the developer hub and I couldn’t find anything on this topic. The problem was solved in the post above, but I’m still having some trouble.

I was told that this was not a bug, but simply a side effect of bundle attachments. I couldn’t figure out how to fix it, so I came here. Can anyone help me?


Any luck solving this issue? I can’t seem to access the above link, but I may be able to help if you can post a video/gif.

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Oh, my bad! Here’s a video demonstrating the problem.

This is how I animated it in the editor: (the video lags in the beginning…just ignore the name of the dummy XD)

This is how it looks when testing in-game:

As you can tell, that’s a big problem, I tried removing the accessories on my character as well, but it didn’t seem to work.