I’m trying to animate a mechanical thing in Studio, and I’m trying to fix this weird problem with the way my parts are rotating.
It’s only this one, It doesn’t rotate at all but instead everything rotates around it in a weird way. Take a look:
I’ve tried removing all welds attached to the problem object. I’ve tried re-rigging. I’ve tried swapping Part0 and Part1 in the Motor6D, none of which seem to work.
I am having a similar issue, it’s happening with both Roblox’s Animation Editor and the Moon Animator plugin. It only happens when I add a new part to the rig, and it seems everything becomes relative or “pivots” around the new part. I’ve tried same steps as yours and they didn’t work.
When I swap Part0 and Part1 I notice the rest of the rig (besides the problematic basepart) shifts slighty.
Heyo! I’ve had this issue a couple of times before but the fix is pretty easy. 99% sure that the weird animator behaviour is because of the hierarchy and how models act in it. Seems that this sort of issue can be caused by some jointed parts being in a group. Try ungrouping any groups in the thing you’re trying to animate and hopefully it works.
very late respond but this issue probably occours because one of your parts that you want to animate is anchored, maybe multiple. Just unanchor all the parts inside the model you want to animate and it should work fine again.