Animation Engine - Runtime Changes and Fixes

It’s still their wanted behavior, and AllYourBlox has tried to provide solutions such as weight and priorities. If that doesn’t help you, you can try stopping all animations before playing another one or something. I agree that they shouldn’t blend even if it’s wanted behavior, but if Roblox is forcing this we need to get used to it.

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As i’m informed this update rolled out all tested, 1st and 2nd phase were just for testing and find bugs to fix before phase 3. This didn’t “break” the animations it just updated the behavior of them causing them to blend. Developers already got warned before forcing it and they should’ve fixed it and changed it so it can stay in the current animation engine. I fixed this during phase 2, and didn’t have any trouble when swapping to phase 3, so it was all tested and it’s fine now, the developers not caring and just coming out here to complain when they had 9 months to fix it is their problem.


I did not create all these animations I use, but rather some friends of mine. They do not have the source of the animations anymore. So now there is physically no way to fix this horrible issue. Not every developer checks this forum or reads updates with the very small notification icon in studio either. This should not be an issue what so ever, animations were perfectly fine before, no blending needed.

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I’m sure you can still get the animations with moon animator. You can import it via the ID, as long as they didn’t lose the account / group that published it.

Is there no fix for this???

animation priority doesn’t work?!

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