Animation is messed up, with or without a tool equipped

My animation is messed up!
Moon Animator:


I dont use moon animator, but assuming you have to upload it to roblox like the default animator, did you set the Priority to Action? If it’s core it will move funny due to the other animations occuring to your player, such as the breathing and idle animations.

Yup, my Prioriy is on Action. And yes, you do have to upload it to Roblox.

Lucky for you (hopefully), because I had the exact same animation issue and managed to fix it yesterday. You can check out my post and the solution of it, let me know if it works.

Does this work with Welds too? I currently already use welds for the tools.

Yes, whether you’re using welds or motor 6Ds to connect your tool parts, it should work. As long as you don’t name the handle part of your tool as “Handle” or else Roblox will take advantage of it.

Ok, I’ll try changing the name of it and see if that helps.

Nope, same results.

filler text

Also, forgot to mention, playing the animation on the Dummy gives me the correct animation.

Something else I just noticed is that not only does the animation work completely fine in Moon Animator, but also when I play it on the Dummy.

I FINALLY fixed this! I had to rotate all keyframes for the right arm by 90 degrees, like so:
(Edit: If you’re using Moon Animator, it shows how many degrees you’ve rotated it so you can get as close to 90 degrees as you can)

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