Animation not running correctly

My goal here is to play the animations required on a player’s character when they equip a tool. My approach here is to take a duplicate of the character’s Animate script, and changed the Animation IDs of my desired animation instances. It all works well but when I equip the tool and run, the Torso and left arm of the character model does not animate.

As you can see in the video, those two parts do not animate. What I am trying to achieve here is to make all parts animate like how the character did when I unequipped my tool.

For odd reasons, all of my body parts only animate when the tool is unequipped, and when it is equipped, only 2 parts are stuck.

Is this because of animation priorities?

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Definitely an Animation Priority issue. Try uploading them as Action-Priority animations & see if that resolves your issue. If not, try a multitude of different priorities until you get the desired effect.


The tool weld is preventing the arm from being animated

Remove RightWeld and replace it with a Motor6D when equipping a tool that is intended to work with animations, it may appear misaligned so manipulate C0 and C1 or open the built-in Roblox animation editor and place the tool within the animation rig, remove the animation rigs’ RightWeld, replace it with a Motor6D and add the tools’ handle to the Animation Editor, then overwrite the existing animation.


Unfortunately your method did not work at all, I tried setting Action2 on the running animation and Action on the idle animation, and the problem is still there.


Same goes to you, also I don’t get what you meant by RightWeld. There’s no such thing exist in the rig. I tried to connect the tool’s handle to the hand using a Motor6D and used Motor6Ds to connect all the parts in the tool and it still doesn’t fix it.

When you equip the tool, the players’ RightHand has a weld named RightWeld, if you do not replace it with a different constraint, it will not play the animation properly.

It is removed automatically when the player unequips the tool, and is added once the character equips it.

You dont replace the welds IN the tool with Motor6Ds, you replace only RightWeld with one, you must also set its Part0 to the players’ Right-Hand, and set its Part1 to the tools’ Handle

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Thanks, your method somewhat worked, however, only the tool is animating now. The arm and torso is still left unanimated…


I am very confident that the issue is not with the animation priorities. I had set them to the highest priority and the issue is still there. So there must be something that prevents me from animating those parts.

After many tries, I have decided to do this:

Instead of letting Roblox handling the positions and offset calculations of the tool when it is equipped, I will handle it. I renamed the handle part of the tool to something else so Roblox will not automatically do it for me, then I use your method, that is, using Motor6D to connect the arm and the tool’s handle together. It works well!

The only problem is that, as you can see in the video, the offset of the tool is weird. Do you have any idea on how to make it so that the script automatically offsets the tool to the edge of the arm so that the tool offset looks more natural? Here’s the current code that does the calculation:

local motor6D ="Motor6D")
	motor6D.C0 = tool.Grip
	motor6D.C1 = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0) *, 0, -character["Right Arm"].Size.Z / 2)
	motor6D.Part0 = tool.Handlee
	motor6D.Part1 = character["Right Arm"]
	motor6D.Parent = character["Right Arm"]``

To tell you the truth, I have no idea how the C0 and C1 property works at all…

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