Animation Not Updating After Being Changed

So I’m trying to make custom animations for my RPG game. All I’m doing is changing the animation ID in the Animate script inside a roblox character, but the problem is when I update the animation and the character is walking, the walk animation doesn’t update.

Here’s what I mean

The character starts off in it’s default walk animation, but once I equip a sword, the walk animation changes. Trouble is, when I equip the sword while I’m walking, the animation doesn’t update until I stop moving. If anyone can help me with this that will be greatly appreciated. I’ve spent a long time trying to figure this out, but nothing seems to work.


So far the only way I can fix this issue is to set the player’s walkspeed to 0 whenever I equip something, but I don’t really want to do it like that.

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what a bad idea, in the animation editor set the animation priority to motion animation, if that’s not enough, then when you run the play event set the animation weight to 1,
is topic you see

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It’s already on movement priority, but how will changing weights do anything because the animations are not both playing at the same time. The walk animation doesn’t get updated to the new one if you are already walking.

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