Animation playback very different from Editor?

Hi there. I’m having discrepancies between animation playback in Roblox’s Animation Editor prior to exporting versus loading an animation through AnimationTrack after exporting. This is the current version of Roblox Studio as of today.

Here is my desired animation made in the Editor:

Here is the actual animation that is seen. This is the same whether it is loaded through the client or server.

This happens 100% of the time. It seems that the character turning his body animates perfectly; however, the character falling is very choppy and looks like an incorrect tween?
You will also notice that the white cube I use to reference where the player’s camera should be is also jumping around at the incorrect places.

Is this possibly related to this post about the animation editor having inverse tweens compared to playback? This was posted 40 days ago and I assume it has been fixed already. The camera part has a ‘Constant’ tween while most other parts are ‘Cubic’ with differing easing directions.

Here is a repro file with the animation saved as a KeyframeSequence. You should be able to load this with the animation editor and see it play back as intended.
Baseplate.rbxl (91.4 KB)

Specs: Windows 10, Ryzen 5 3600, Nvidia GTX 1660 Super, 16GB.

EDIT 1: This issue has been seen as little as 23 days ago. I’m under the impression that the easing directions are in fact still reversed. I will try to swap my directions and see if that fixes the issue.

EDIT 2: And just like that, the animation tweens normally upon playback after swapping the In’s for Out’s and the Out’s for In’s. The camera that used ‘Constant’ easing style also now moves in the correct fashion after changing all of its keyframes to using the ‘InOut’ easing direction. I hope this is fixed soon!


Replying with a solved comment as per suggestion.

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