I’ve been experiencing an issue with animation not being shared to collaborators (AKA not visible to them) within teamcreate despite the fact game owner itself (in terms of game being owned by a user, not by group) owns the animation and is able to freely view it while playtesting.
The main issue is with animations not being shared to teamcreate collaborators despite being owned by a game owner when it should appear same as in playing a game from client. I have tried using Team Test to circumvent that, but that did not work. I have attempted to use the animations I uploaded in my friend’s game, my friend couldn’t see them (and vice versa, when friend uploaded them, I couldn’t see them)
Story on why I created this topic: One day I have uploaded animations I made and have put them into my friend’s game, to me, they worked just fine, but my friend couldn’t see animations I have uploaded. But when my friend himself uploaded animations, it worked fine for them but then I couldn’t see them myself.
Sorry if it sounds confusing, because my english is not at it’s best and it’s complicated to explain and keep it simple to read.