Animation throttling is hard to work with for dynamic transforms

I am finding it difficult to apply dynamic transforms on top of animation transforms correctly with animation throttling for two reasons:

  1. I’m not aware of easy way to force enable animation throttling for debugging purposes. I want to be able to do something like quickly force animation throttling to be turned on for particular Animators in studio so that I can find and fix bugs.

  2. Similarly I don’t know of a proper way to query whether a joint was updated within a particular frame (or make our dynamic transform code only execute when an Animator isn’t being throttled), so we have to manually track and compare the joint transform CFrames to decide whether to apply the transform on this frame or not. This is annoying to deal with and technically it will miss the (fortunately rare) situations where the previous frame’s “animation + dynamic” transform is equal to the new frame’s “animation” transform.

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