Animation won't work

Dunno why but for whatever reason my animation doesn’t seem to play whenever I sit on the seat object.
My code has no errors. I set priority to Action (highest priority so wouldn’t it just overwrite others like the default one)

local animation = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").KamiSitGood
local seat = script.Parent
	local humanoid = script.Parent.Occupant
	if humanoid ~= nil then
		local animator = humanoid
		for _, playingTracks in pairs(humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do

		local track = animator:LoadAnimation(animation)

All the other topics talk about moving animations to the group or something similar, however, mine already are in the group.

Oh boy here I go again haha

I have helped this similar solution many times and all those times have worked for others, so I think it should work for you as well

If your game is R15, try this out

local seat = script.Parent
local animId = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").KamiSitGood.AnimationId
local defaultAnim = ""
local formeroccupant

	local humanoid = seat.Occupant
	if humanoid then
		local char = humanoid.Parent
		char.Animate.sit.SitAnim.AnimationId = animId
		formeroccupant = char
		formeroccupant.Animate.sit.SitAnim.AnimationId = defaultAnim
		formeroccupant = nil

It’ll just change the sitting animation directly instead of playing an animation and then revert it back once you’re off

If your game is R6, I should have a similar code block that should work for R6 games here

If it still doesn’t work, are you certain you inputted the correct id and all?

I don’t think you can actually set the occupant property to nil. It returned an error for me when I tried to. Probably delete the seat weld instead.

your solution didn’t work, however, it did stop the default animation which I guess is a plus.image

(your solution)

Late as hell reply [sorry for bumping mods]

but turns out I just published it as a package not ‘Save to Roblox’
