AnimationEditor does not show keyframes/parts

I know this is the wrong category, but I cannot open a bug report because i am not a Regular.

Basically, the animation editor does not show any keyframes or added parts on the timeline, however I can still edit the animation just fine.

Importing an animation only shows one part at a time, and I cannot change it.

Rebooting Roblox Studio does not fix the issue, and I forgot how to open an actual bug report (and even if I do I am pretty sure it will take like a week).

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Happening for me too. Restarting studio did nothing. I also am unable to select the torso. It works with r15 but not r6


It’s spoken about here, Why can't I see keyframes on R6 mode?

The solution is to ensure that the HumanoidRootPart is set as the primarypart of the model.

Yeah I already figured it out. Though it is weird considering it was possible to make animations with primary part set to Head.