AnimationTree | Edit and mix your animations before and during run-time easily with the new tree node system

I have solved it, thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:

still the same Page cannot be found or no longer exists

Yes, I am waiting for my account to be verified so I can sell the plugin.

@YYH55 @flamemen8 My account has recently been verified and my plugin page is now available.

i keep getting the error “Constant is not a valid member of “Enum.EasingStyle”” when adding a character to the viewer

What about bones? Would this work with bones or is that not supported yet?

Bone support was added a while ago, important updates are in my discord.

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Huh, I would appreciate it if you would take a photo of the error and send it to me.

Im looking for a blendspace(2d) where i can visually place animations in a grid and manipulate the sections with a script, just like i can do in unreal engine

I’m working on it, join the discord server, I’ll post updates there.

This plugin is free and open source now, if you have any good implementations let me know in my discord :slight_smile: