AnimationWeightedBlendFix causes default roblox animations to stutter

I have not published an update, do not use freemodels and am using the default roblox Animate script, however the animations in my game have randomly started to stutter, it’s hard to describe it so I took a video:

I’m really stumped here because this came out of the blue. Happens in both studio and in the game itself.
Any ideas on what could’ve caused this?

Edit: Disabled every in-game script and issue persisted.
Edit 2: Found issue, was caused by having “AnimationWeightedBlendFix” set to “Enabled”. Likely a bug since there are all default animations.


The issue is being caused by “Animation Weighted Blend Fix” being enabled, which shouldn’t be the case with default roblox animations so I’m going to leave this here to bring attention to it.


Posted about this the other day in the bulletin board but I don’t believe a mod ever moved it over to bug reports for me. Would personally like to see this fixed as son as possible as having it enabled breaks my current NPC animation setup and having it disabled isn’t much better.


How to disable it? because I don’t really know how ;-;

It’s apart of Workspace option
Select Workspace then in Properties tab, Set AnimationWeightBlendFix from Default to Disabled

Thanks so much! I appreciate it.

I can’t seem to find it under workspace properties

That’s outdated as they’re now fully forced, my guess is to change priority to Action4 so it overrides the dampen, don’t blame me for this either.