Release Notes for 499

Very happy to see this is actively being worked on, the screenshots of what it’s supposed to look like are super impressive too. Nice job, can’t wait to use it in my experiences.


Hi- are highlights ever planned to support PVInstances as a whole and not just Models? I saw on Max’s Twitter that it only appears to only affect Models. And with that, are Adornees planned to come with highlights too?

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Its currently disabled through a FFlag.
If you want to test it out, you can by using a tool like Studio Mod Manager, but I wouldn’t recommend it.


Can’t seem to find a related flag, although it might have a different name. (If there is though, please tell me)
Either way, I’d love to see a way to try this out ahead of time.

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I’ve been thinking that as well! 500 is a nice hundred number.

Is it the same as the old outlines, or better?

Edit: Imagine custom materials on v500, that would be amazing


Is the flag, just restart studio afterwards.


The API hasn’t been finalized yet, this is just the first pass on it.


Thank you for adding Valve Index bindings.

Do you mean Roblox Linux VR client, or SteamVR client?
SteamVR notably works better on Linux due to CPU and GPU scheduler improvements.
I currently run a Ryzen 9 5950x with an RTX 3090, SteamVR performs about 30% better on SteamOS than it does on Windows 10 Workstation.


I wrote a plug-in for this because of how dumb it was to deal with. I almost had to read this twice because I thought I was going crazy. This is absolutely amazing. I’m glad someone fixed this.


Will there be an option in the future/is there an option currently that allows you to:

  • Show the outline through walls and on top of everything?
  • Maybe a ZIndex for outline? Similiar to decals/textures
  • Have an outline fill in the entire model?
  • Have gradient support for outlines?

I suggest also adding support Windows Mixed Reality Controller Layout

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The outline currently already shows through every wall.
The outline currently can be filled in with any color at any transparency

And the other ones idk

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Is this the update that broke the Roblox run animation when Workspace.AnimationWeightedBlendFix is Enabled?
We try to be proactive and prepare for the new Animation Blend Fix, but this update forces us to go back to the old animation technology because it wasn’t tested with new Animation Blend feature. Here is a video, but it will also happen on a new empty baseplate.


Did this message come with the update? Because I don’t see the point of locking people out of older studio versions.image


I hope not. I enjoy the fact that older versions of Studio have been accessible, even if logins potentially aren’t, it’s helpful for diagnosing issues introduced in updates, and for archival purposes, just being able to take note of engine changes in older studio versions.

If a staff who knows much about this could comment, what’s the whole point of this message? Could this not just be replaced with an optional warning or something? Even if it’s an actual technical limitation that makes studio non functional, I still harshly disagree with the idea that I will be denied the legitimate failure screen it’d give me.

(very epic and opinionated rant warning (because I got way too carried away))

I’m getting increasingly concerned about Roblox’s direction towards cloud stuff, and I sincerely hope this doesn’t have some sort of weird cloud implication around Studio, because it’s already hard enough that I need to hack around with fast flags and spend days botching software together just so I can do work without internet for a week.

Studio is a great snapshot of the engine at any given time, and, I don’t enjoy the idea that it’s going to get harder to preserve my work, and other people’s work. For example, experimental mode feels like ancient lore when it comes to what is still functional in the engine.

To play any sort of experimental mode games, effectively debug them, etc I would need to utilize a much older version of studio. Additionally, I have found numerous older model and place files that won’t even open in modern versions of studio. I have found old files on my hard drives pre-FE that load with completely broken UI elements, wonky part colors, and all kinds of other messed up stuff going on that simply don’t load in newer versions of studio, because those files are nearly a decade old, and literally every week they get further away

In order to get that stuff to open, I’ve gotta find myself a working version of studio from at least around the time the file was saved, and, problem is, I don’t exactly have a great way to just port that save file to newer versions of Roblox, I would need to spend hours and hours finding a newer version that’ll still load the file, and there are HUGE gaps in people’s archival projects.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t fault Roblox at all for this, in fact most of what I see only shows how much the engine has grown, but, I really don’t like the idea that I will have my work landlocked, where I can never touch it again, because, I love seeing how my work has changed, and I love the nostalgia, and I love finding little forgotten bits of things I can’t even remember I did.


Studio is heavily dependent on back-end endpoints to function correctly especially for modeling/art purposes. Back-end surface tend to change over time, so certain features of older Studio versions would stop working correctly if any of those older endpoints are taken down, or if endpoint signatures/behavior are changed.

Perhaps they made changes to the update bootstrapper that requires a fresh install of the bootstrapper, and can’t be iteratively installed from the previously installed version.

I know this is definitely the case, but, like I said, even if that’s the case I still harshly disagree with completely blocking off access to even load studio at all. I would still like to attempt a studio load, for all the reasons I mentioned before, because it makes it much more feasible to work around the API issues with my own stuff. Even if it means I need to work around those sorts of conflicts, having an extra wall in front of me that’s just making it harder to work around issues is obnoxious, and it does concern me a lot.

(Besides, a partially functioning version of Studio is still a partially functioning version of Studio)

In 99% of users/cases, you likely want to allow Studio to auto-update and reduce risk of breakage. For that other 1%, I recommend filing a feature request, but keep in mind you are that rare 1% of use cases around launching Studio so it will get prioritized accordingly.

not for a while as in “waiting for the apple cert” or like not this year
pretty hyped to start plugging it in to a bunch of old things for cell shading, night vision, wallhacks, etc

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