Animator/AnimationController .Enabled property

I insert & destroy the Animator instance frequently in my game to stop all animations and resume them. From my understanding there’s no way to :Stop() on ALL running animations without having a reference to them, which can be quite problematic at times since I want to use roblox’s character animation scripts without digging through and finding each animation by hand.

Essentially I want a .Enabled property so I can just stop/start all animations on an object with one property change.


Could you use Tags to better reference the current list of animations?

I don’t know much about this animator instance but this seems practical.

Can you use the Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() or AnimationController:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() methods instead?

You could, once this bug is fixed:

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Good news! This is fixed as of the 31st of January :slight_smile:


My problem is that I have to keep checking every frame if any new animations have begun and disable them. I just want some way to stop the animations from running without having to destroy/move the instance or have to add tags in every single script (for instance, the roblox Animate script).