Anime style terrain

How to make anime style/2d style terrain and lighting in roblox studio. I have been trying to search for a tutorial or any reference in youtube and in dev forum but I couldn’t find anything at all so I thought of making a topic for not only me but for future devs who also would want to know how to make anime style/2d style games.

reference photo:

(the sand terrain and the bumps)
I would like to make a animated terrain that is just like that.

i don’t know what you mean by animated but for the bumps in the terrain you can just create the desert model in blender and inport it on roblox

The main problem with blender is the invisible collisions when imported on roblox studio

You could use the terrain editor in Studio to make the kind of desert terrain Terrain | Roblox Creator Documentation

Set the CollisionType to a higher setting to stop that.

it won’t stop every time, depend how is your mesh done

You need to set it to PreciseConvexDecomposition for it to be exact.

uhm first of all so sorry for the late reply, what I meant with animated is like anime style uhm kinda like this


I want it smooth but also no edge type
reference 2:
as u can see in the pictures they are flat and also has some bumps in the terrain and for the anime style I was referring to the textures of the terrain like them the dessert or smooth grass terrain
reference 3:
I want to know if I can do this type of terrain where I don’t use blocks as my ground, and have the same type of anime texturized grass if possible. btw thx for replying :smiley:

yes I did take some reference in the upcoming game anime legends,