Announcing the New Roblox Creator Roadmap (Part 1 of 4)

hm… i wonder what this will be soon.


Most wanted right for me is probably the roblox audio!


Its been a few years regarding anything with this update but I’ve got to know,
Will Videoframes be included in any of the parts and if not, what is the current limitations holding it from releasing publicly?

Reference for our newer developers

Introducing Videos in the Marketplace! - Updates / Announcements - DevForum | Roblox


I mean to be honest, if you guys really want to actually allow us to make “next-generation immersive 3D experiences” then please, for the love of god, stop limiting us to whatever the absolute bottom of the barrel systems can handle at 30+ fps lowest. I’m pretty tired of the “Performance” reasons for absolutely anything that is pretty much tech that exists anywhere else BUT roblox. Creating “Rich and lifelike worlds” should not be just enabling lighting tech that is legit from 22 years ago (that somehow as of now is still less performant than the implementation from most other games from that time while not really offering a lot more than these older titles either). If you guys actually want us to make those sorts of Next Gen things then you guys need to cut the automatic features, limitations and excuses to why this and that. It should not be the job of some random roblox employee on whenever my game runs on all devices or not, it should be my job to care about that. I understand that implementing these new (realistically not new, but new for roblox i guess) technologies DOES come at the cost of potential performance loss of the engine. However these technologies SHOULD only be used whenever the developer wants to along with all of these technologies giving us options to change how these things look and function instead of having only like some pretty meaningless attributes. I believe that for any of these technologies (even IF complicated as hell), roblox should give us absolutely every sort of option and attribute those use externally and internally. The job of the roblox engineers should be to ensure that these technologies exist and arent programmed poorly and it should be the choice of the developer whenever or not said technologies are used at all and how are they used. Roblox should not care whenever some developer just decides to run some radial blur shader on like a GT 710 at like 8x native res with 5000 samples, this should be the problem of the developer that does this sort of thing, not the problem of the entire platform and every other developer.


How is this different than it is now?

“Every step of the way” isn’t a measure of time. It’s a measure of how long it takes for us to forget that y’all promised it.

As a developer, I don’t care about what is posted on the roadmap. I care about what is released to me because that directly affects my experience and the experiences I create for others.

It’s cool that it’s transparent but, these are all just empty promises. I’d prefer concrete things because, that’s what I utilize to make $$$.


I second this. There’s a considerable audience with proper hardware, and nowadays phones can handle modern graphics too.

And still, if the user can freely disable/enable graphical features, performance & compatibility won’t be affected. Not compatible? Feature greyed out.

This worked for many AAA-games and it’s common for modern gaming, so stop the worries and try to invest into this.


Please add the roadmap link in the topbar so it will be easier for me to reach the creator roadmap, and I like the intresting concept, Non-DevForums users can easily reach out future plans, however, in like a month, it will be fully released, and It only have (Mid 2023) and (Late 2023), though it’s like between these quarters:

  • July, August, and September (Q3)
  • October, November, and December (Q4)

Right now it’s May 9th 2023, so it will be months after, and it’s a dropdown which closes one dropdown when a new one is selected, 99% of these items provided is what I like, however, 1% is bad, like the selection improvements, as it will make selecting harder, not easier, and the Generative AI, which is bad, I personally hate AI, as it may replace our jobs, though I have 1 year experience in scripting

Please add the roadmap link in the topbar and let us know when the part 2, 3, and 4 comes out!


It’s not even entirely about the fact that a lot of people have proper hardware. Roblox itself wont even let us adjust any sort of feature or let us use other fallback features for any of the older hardware. Its either we get that feature but half baked (no properties and automatic), or we dont get it at all.


That’s a nice thing to see that the headache with playtesting and stuff like that will be eventually gone, but the wind/air simulation sounds like a crazy thing that would be really difficult to do without lagging out physics, but we will see how this will be implemented and how this will be optimized.

Also I’m quite upset we’re not getting any lighting improvements like more than 60 light range or proper light attenuation. This is probably the biggest headache when it comes to lighting. I’m not going to be talking about Future lighting shadow performance currently, it’s quite of a nightmare if improperily used (and yet still isn’t very performant without shadows, although that’s expected from lighting that’s calculated by pixels instead of voxels). Once again, this isn’t 2015 anymore. Almost any other engine allows you really high light range limit and customized attenuation or to even bake lighting.

I dunno, time will tell. On the second note, I hope in the 4th part of roadmap, we expect LuaDoc or any way to document stuff in built-in script editor so we don’t have to use external script editor like VSCode to have documentation or continiously look up the module to see it’s documentation and how to use it in the first place.

Also also. What about public audio marketplace? What happened to it? It’s been 1 year and yet nothing have changed, we still can’t make audio’s public to use.

I hope that those three major flaws I have noted will be addressed some day. I find them critical and that they must be addressed.


Also im thinking that an argument against this could be general engine “bloat”. But like, isn’t roblox actively adding bloat features themselves? Like one of their latest examples would be this:

Dragging objects around is something that 100% can be replicated by anyone on roblox right now without roblox having to implement any sort of new api that may or may not be actually worse (performance wise) than whatever any developer can make.


With the addition of aerodynamics, while we have been able to currently do this manually:

I think a fantastic addition to take features like this and more would be to be able to hook onto the physics engine speed.

So if the physics engine is set to dynamic then accordingly it will run say at 30 60 120 240 times a second etc however if its set to a fixed rate, then it would constantly run at the max a physics speed is which if I’m not mistaken is 240 times a second.

The more calculations we can run based on current conditions per second, the more stable these custom physics solutions could be.

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The idea of the roadmap is that you are seeing a snapshot of what teams at Roblox are actually working on. So this is much more than just empty promises, this is what hundreds of engineers and product managers are seriously working towards.

A healthy dose of “I’ll believe it when it’s in my hands” is good, but don’t underestimate the value of this, as this is the most useful reference for creators to understand at a high-level what Roblox is focusing major engineering effort towards and predict what kind of features will be shipped.


To be really honest, while i do actually believe in those promises of becoming a reality, i also believe in the fact that said promises may or may not end up being very limited and automatic for no reason or just straight up a bad deal (eg tied to some other feature for no reason) when finally given in the hands of the developer.


Bless the transparency, hoping it keeps up and this survives as a living document for a long time. Developers understanding the platform direction at all levels is important to Roblox’s ability to receive meaningful feedback. We need to understand how everything fits together before we can make value judgements and other assumptions.


I really appreciate the effort that has gone into presenting all of this information neatly. It’s nice that everything has a dedicated page now.

Some notes;

While the use of clickable ‘expanders’ to reveal and hide section content is visually clean, I find that it’s not really what I want as someone reading the roadmap. It hides by default the information that I want to read through.

How often is the roadmap going to be updated? Any vague period? It’d be nice to know that it will get updated at some reasonably regular interval so that we can be sure that the roadmap reasonably reflects what Roblox’s priorities are at most points in time.

If we have notes or important considerations to suggest for some of the things on the roadmap, is there any way to connect with the teams or be able to present topics for consideration?

For example, I would love to be able to submit some of the UX notes I’ve personally made about how the Studio Ribbon could be improved, and I see this is an area which is being looked into on the roadmap.

I assume that the points are vague because the specific details are being explored at the moment. Depending on where certain items are in the research/development process, it would be nice to have a snapshot into ideas that teams are noncommitally playing around with.

To continue the Studio Ribbon example from earlier, it would be nice to see what the teams consider problematic about the current design, and maybe even some vague signposts towards the UI directions they may explore.

When proposing things for the roadmap, I presume you are clearly identifying something that needs to be solved without closing doors to solutions. This level of detail would allow the community to connect and point out anything that might be missing or misunderstood, without prescribing solutions or setting expectations.

This is really good to see though! Thank you for providing this roadmap. :slight_smile:


Amazing news as I see! I am mostly looking forwards to 2 second game loading times and fast Team create joining. As games are getting bigger and bigger I am glad to see these performance upgrades.


Yeah it’s something that really needs to be re-added

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Taking Action on Copies of Roblox-Created Limiteds - Updates / Announcements - DevForum | Roblox


Giving everyone the opportunity to upload accessories would be a very bad idea. While I understand that the intention behind this idea is to promote creativity and inclusivity, I firmly believe that this move may have unintended consequences that could negatively impact the overall user experience and the value of exclusive and original accessories.

First and foremost, the introduction of user-generated accessories to a wider audience raises the possibility of duplicating exclusive and original items. Currently, the limited nature of certain accessories contributes to their desirability and rarity among users. By allowing everyone to upload accessories, we risk flooding the platform with countless copies of coveted items, diluting their value and undermining the concept of exclusivity. This could potentially disrupt the delicate balance between the supply and demand of rare accessories, adversely affecting the in-game economy and diminishing the excitement associated with owning unique items.

Furthermore, an influx of user-generated accessories might pose challenges in terms of quality control and content moderation. While the Roblox team has been diligent in curating the UGC program, opening the floodgates to a much larger user base could lead to an overwhelming amount of low-quality or inappropriate accessory submissions. This not only creates a burden for your moderation team but also risks tarnishing the reputation of the platform as a whole. Maintaining a high standard of content is crucial for preserving the integrity and professionalism of Roblox.

Another concern arises from the potential infringement of intellectual property rights. Allowing users to freely upload their own accessories without proper regulation may inadvertently enable the unauthorized reproduction of copyrighted or trademarked designs. This could expose Roblox to legal issues and damage its relationships with content creators and intellectual property holders. To avoid this, robust mechanisms for copyright infringement detection and prevention would need to be implemented, placing additional strain on the resources and infrastructure of the platform.

Lastly, expanding the scope of user-generated accessories may result in a cluttered marketplace and make it increasingly challenging for developers to gain recognition for their creations. The current UGC program serves as a vetting process, ensuring that only the most talented and dedicated creators have their accessories showcased on the platform. By removing this exclusivity, it becomes harder for exceptional designers to stand out, potentially discouraging them from investing time and effort into their work. Consequently, the overall quality of accessories available to users may suffer, leading to a decline in user satisfaction and engagement.

