Announcing Unlocked Avatar Scaling: Expanding the Roblox Universe

We’re on either sides of the room buddy. I honestly like how some of the models (skelly!) use a sharp-edges looking effect on the models. Looks cool for me.


With this many bundles i’m sure we will all find something we like :yum:


I’m just waiting till UGC Cagalog arrives, so I can make my own, fully custom avatar :drooling_face:


It looks good for mobile games has a better performance but I don’t think it looks very good for realistic games which is what I appeal more to.

I hope they have a Viking one

Does anyone know why the city life man bundle got removed from sale?
It was removed from the rthro promotion page under the free category for showing users what rthro outfits they could get for free as well.


My bet ;based on social media and even the dev forums, is that it’s maybe just one of the least liked packages, they might even improve it one day … idk :roll_eyes::thinking:


I enabled all of the scaling options on my game… will see how this goes


Definitely not a fan of the new default animation(s). Can’t explain it, perhaps it’s bias but I’m still against the conversion to mo-cap.


I have a game about 1 year old. If I don’t change anything, what does it default to? I would assume it defaults to the classic setting, and not the new anthro setting.

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I wrote a technical description for the Rthro scaling system!
Feel free to check it out here:


@new_storm @Maximum_ADHD I am wondering if the following behavior was introduced in this new system:

In the past, when changing the scaling parameters of a humanoid as shown below, then the character would change size, but none of the accessories (hats, hair, cosmetic accessories, etc) changed in size.

humanoid.BodyHeightScale.Value 	= 2
humanoid.BodyWidthScale.Value 	= 2
humanoid.BodyDepthScale.Value 	= 2
humanoid.HeadScale.Value 		= 2

But now, it seems that when the scaling parameters are changed in size, then the accessories are automatically resized as well.

So just wanted to confirm that this new behavior of accessories automatically resizing was introduced in this new system.

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Previously, accessories attached to the head were scaled based on the head scaling. Now all accessories will scale based on the part they are attached to if automatic scaling is enabled.


Hey hey… Sorry for the slow reply. We did everything we could to ensure that settings for existing games/places maintained the same behavior that they had before the update.

This means that if you had scaling disabled, your game will default to 0% body type scale (with no range). That will force all players to 0% body type.

If your game previously specified “player choice” for scaling, the body type setting will be 0-30% after the update. This is to maintain the implicit behavior of player choice before the update. We capped it at 30% rather than full 0-100% player choice because prior to the update, the max that players were allowed to set body type was 30%. So, while technically, “player choice” meant “whatever the player chose in the avatar editor”, because we increased what players were allowed to set, we would accidentally be allowing much taller characters into those existing games without the developer’s consent.

That seemed like a Bad Thing™ :slight_smile:


The thing that affected my game was the accessories automatically scaling when the humanoid scale parameters (BodyHeightScale, etc) changed. Previously, for any attachment, I had to manually scale those to match the size of the new body. But now it appears that the attachments automatically resize whenever the body scale parameters change.

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Yes, the accessories will automatically scale now. Hopefully, this means you won’t have to automatically scale them any more.


I did just discovered a scaling bug with humanoids that have a head with a MeshType of Sphere. I have posted that to the bug reports section.

Bug Report:

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Found another bug, which may be related to the recent changes in Avatar scaling.

Bug Report:


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