Annoying Simulator

Currently working on a game called Annoying Simulator, our (@Mightty [scripting, planning, modelling, and building], @Zeumus [scripting], Kindoodle [building], and I [building, planning, GUIs, music, and animations]) original game. It’s, well, about annoying. I’ll get into more detail.

In Annoying Simulator, which is obviously a comedy game, you start as a traditional Roblox noob with the familiar yellow skin, blue shirt, smiling face, and green pants. As you level up, you become more annoying, gaining ranks. You level up by collecting infamy by completing tasks and annoying people (players and NPCs alike). The following are the planned ranks:

  • Noob
  • Average Troll
  • Expert Troll
  • Scammer
  • Exploiter
  • Hacker
  • Abusive Intern
  • Abusive Admin
  • Abusive CEO

Each level you gain rewards the player money, prizes, and new annoying abilities. For example, becoming an abusive admin gives unlocks the use of the Banhammer. Once you become an “average troll”, you can dress up as your usual avatar. Additionally, the more you level up, the more maps you unlock! You can visit various worlds to travel to and annoy lots of unique NPCs.

How does annoying work? Put simply, the player uses their abilities and interacts with the world, players, and NPCs around them to annoy them. By annoying people, you earn money to buy new abilities and tools! Both NPCs and players will have rage bars—fill it up and you make the NPC or player rage-quit, the Annoying Simulator equivalent of death. Different NPCs will have different amounts of tolerance (high tolerance means it is harder to fill up their rage bar) depending on who they are. Players will also have varying levels of tolerance, as they will be able to upgrade themselves. I’ll get more into that later, so keep reading!

If players have rage bars, you know what that means—players can compete against fellow annoyers! Players can compete against each other by using abilities on each other, using the environment against others, and much more! If you manage to make another player “rage-quit”, they will respawn and you will gain a small fraction of their money! Causing players two or more ranks lower than you to rage-quit gives less money; this is, as you probably guessed, to discourage targeting of weaker and newer players.

The most common way the player will die is from retaliation from certain NPCs such as Robloxian police. Robloxian police are present throughout most maps, usually just patrolling the area; however, some police will actively seek out annoyers. Thus, the player has the choice to earn rewards by annoying them to the point of rage-quit or to escape. Roblox police will only seek out players level five-plus.

Back to upgrading. The player not only gains abilities and perks—they can also upgrade things such as annoyance, which increases how annoying they are, basically making their general actions do more damage to rage bars; tolerance, which makes it harder for others to fill their rage bar; walking and running speed, which is pretty self-explanatory; and health, which is also pretty self-explanatory. There may be more upgrades later. The game is still in early development and basically has nothing done.

There is a tutorial at the beginning which will teach players how to annoy, shop, use the general mechanics of the game, and more; for the most part, the game is a free-roam; however, there is a story mode. SPOILER ALERT! THIS WHOLE PARAGRAPH OF BLURRY WORDS GIVES AWAY THE COMEDIC STORY MODE! When a player becomes the highest rank possible, it isn’t over: After some time, the player will be banned by their own Roblox employees who have retaliated against you for the unfair bans! They will then tie you up and lock you in Banland. From there, it becomes an adventure game. To get back to the free-roam world, you must team up with other infamous banned players such as 1x1x1 (I know he isn’t real; it’s a joke!) to escape Banland. After you escape, you must stealthily make your way to the Roblox HQ and kidnap the new CEO, David and reclaim your throne! (Just kidding! It’ll be a fictional CEO.) Once you do, you must venture your way to Banland and lock them in, along with any staff who work against you. Haha! Revenge!

Obviously, not all ideas for the game is done, but I’d appreciate some feedback and criticism! Thanks for reading! :smile:

P.S. This is the link to the game. Not much done yet. A house for a city map is in progress, though!


I love it! Send me the link when it’s done and I’ll definitely play it! This sounds SUPER fun! I had a similar concept though :stuck_out_tongue: , but go for it! I definitely want to play when it’s done, haha.

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Hey, if you had a similar concept, maybe we could work together as long as you’re like us—develop for fun, not for money is what we do. :3

Sounds fun, I’ll be sure to check it out when it’s released.

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Thanks. :smiley:

Comedic twist to an interesting idea. I’ll follow progress when I’m available

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Thank you! <3

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