Anomic Ingame Guidelines

Anomic Ingame Guidelines

Created By : AtlasType
Last Updated : 2/21/21


Hey all Anomic members, players, and staff. We appreciate you coming to read these as it will drastically help you and other members at Anomic. Our team of admins have met and decided it would be better to post this as a Bulletin post on the Devforum. This post will include Ban Reasons, Ban Times, and some examples. Please take the time to read this as the channel in the server will be closed.

Severity One Offenses | 1 Day - 7 Days

Harassing Staff : 1 Day : This is only bannable if you continuously kill staff then taunt them to prevent them from doing their job. This is only allowed if the staff member does NOT have their tag on.

Killbase : 1 Day : This is only bannable if you have some type of advantage to kill others and make it harder for others to kill you.

AFK Farming : 1 Day : This is only bannable in the case that you are on a high paying team and you are sitting afk to farm up cash.

Printer Farm : 3 Days : This is only bannable when you create a base to print with printers and there being no way for swat to enter. Such as blocking the doors with walls, props, etc.

KillFarm : 4 Days : This is only bannable when you create a base in order to TRAP users in the base and kill them.

Inappropriate Builds : 7 Days : This is bannble in the case that you bypass text with signs, make 18+ builds, etc.

Advertising : 7 Days : When you create signs to advertise things such as twitch, discord, youtube, etc.

Car Glitching : 7 Days : This is bannable when you spawn a car right next to a base and glitch it to enter the base.

Bypassed Username : 7 Days : This includes your normal Roblox username being Inappropriate or your roleplay name.

Standard Glitching : 7 Days : This includes you glitching past bars, walls, barrels, etc.

Severity 2 | 8 Days - 14 Days

Wallshooting : 14 Days : Creating walls around you and putting the nozzle of your gun through the wall to shoot others and prevent others from shooting you.

Racist Audio : 14 Days : Self Explanatory but if you don’t understand, its playing audio with racial slurs.

Bypassed Audio : 14 Days : Self Explanatory - Audio with bypassed lyrics.

Chat Bypass : 14 Days : Bypassing the Roblox chat filter. Repeated offense = Permaban.

Loud Audio : 14 Days : Self Explanatory.

Racial Comments/Slurs : 14 Days : Telling people slurs.

Severity 3 | 15 Days - 31 Days

Propblocking : 31 Days : This is only considered propblocking. Propblocking is only when you block stairwells and or other players’ plots and that includes the users mailbox. This also includes the top of apartments.

Severity 4 | 32 Days+

Cross Trading : Perm Ban : Trading Anomic items/Cash for USD or Robux.

Glitched Item Trading : Perm Ban : Trading glitched items such as Door Rams, swat vans, etc.

Tool Noclip : Perm Ban : Using a tool to noclip past a wall.

Lag Plots/Crashing Servers : Perm Ban : Self Explanatory. Crashing servers will get you exiled from Anomic Studios.\

Breaking Roblox’s Terms of Service: Perm Ban : Breaking anything located in Roblox’s ToS

Exploiting : Perm Ban : If you don’t know what this means… look it up. This is no longer allowed in VIP servers.

General Reminders

3+ Bans = Perm Ban
All bans are stuck on a record. Do not ask an admin to remove a ban from your record. It won’t happen.
Admins can ban for reasons that aren’t necessarily on this list. If you think your ban is invalid, contact an online Head Admin.


  1. Loumec is the creator of the game, meaning she has the final decision over anything.
  2. Main Developers, are the developers. If you find a bug, make a bug report ticket.
  3. Head Admins are the Administration overseers. They have the final call over moderation actions.
  4. Game Admins+ must follow the rules, if they are found abusing message a Head Admin.

Thanks For Reading.
Head Administrator
Anomic Studios