This post is mainly for both the communties of SSD and DTS but it’s open to the public. If you have not played both Super Statue Defenders (SSD) and Defend the Statue Remastered (DTS), then many references probably won’t make sense and I suggest you do not read this post then. This post answers most questions concerning the two and even points out illogical actions. If you aren’t going to read it until its end then don’t read it at all yet. Post is insanely long, I suggest bookmarking and coming back later when you have time.
For reference, here are the questions specifically asked by the creator of DTS Remastered, @xKenis :
Before I start, I must say I normally don’t ever respond to criticism because, at the end of the day, you will always have different viewpoints with someone. Just like MLK, if I responded to every single criticism, I would have no time for actual constructive work. But honestly, I feel some (not all) of the members of the DTS community are good people and their criticisms are sincere, so for those people, I will answer the questions on the facts. (These questions will be answered too)
I am only writing this because I thought at first I was dealing with mature, reasonable people. Now they could be lying, but that’s the reason why I decided to write this, not because the creator asked those questions. In fact (again), no offense Kenis, but you do not seem like a reasonable type of person your community seems to be. (See pic below) I believe doing something rash out of spite and built-up emotions rather than of objective reasoning seems a bit unreasonable and immature. How does disliking a game based on (I guess) revenge or spite seem at any case mature or reasonable? Instead of disliking because the game was unenjoyable, you disliked to hurt the creators of a so-called “copy of your game.” If you want me to put it into your perspective, what if I disliked your version of the game with my 17,000 group members? It literally wouldn’t help any of us. (I won’t do this even if you keep the dislikes, just used as an example). IF it weren’t for revenge or spite, please PM me and let me know. I am always open to feedback and actually need it a lot. I will edit the post. But it seems you won in that case? The ratings went down 3% in a day (77 to 74), the day your community found out about my game.
Now then, shall we start with the questions? As per the order, I will be 100% honest (which may make the response lengthy). These questions were asked by Kenis:
What is the point of making a defense game that’s inspired by another game (DtS?)
- I’m assuming it is the same reason you have for creating DTS remastered. For clarification, I was also inspired by the original game by @885sdwsdw. My reason is that I loved the game. If you truly look up to someone, don’t you aspire to be like them? I loved playing the original DTS back in the day so I thought I can bring back old memories while adding my spin on the game. It was such a fun game that I thought other players could enjoy as well, but sadly it no longer worked. So I made my version of the game (which I’m assuming is your reason too). Obviously, it looks nothing like the original, but many key aspects are still there such as spam noob or ram noob, etc. If one didn’t know I was inspired by 885sdwsdw then that person could easily say I blatantly copied him, but know that was not my intention. So, no, I was not inspired by your version, I was inspired by the original just as you were. If many assets look similar, it might be because of that reason: we both were inspired by the same person. (you listed specific assets on another question so I won’t go into detail here) It wasn’t a question asked, but no, I don’t make games for money. I make games simply because I enjoy making games and I think others would enjoy playing it as well.
What is your excuse on “inspiring” weapons that serve the same function in DtS, such as
• Windforce (+chance to create an arc)
• Healing Staff (ability to create shields)
• Singularity / Last Prism / Zathral Crystal (hold-to-shoot laser)
• Laser Staff (charge meter that’s literally the same thing in beta DtS)
- Okay, first of all, you can’t say I “inspired” Last Prism and Healing Staff from your version. Last Prism is a weapon from Terraria which functions the same as both your version and mine: its a hold to shoot laser beam. Should we both credit Terraria and say inspired by Terraria? And suppose it wasn’t shaped like a crystal thus meaning it wasn’t taken from Terraria. You can’t copyright the idea of a laser beam. Should I mention the thousands of games also using laser beam weapons before our games? It’s the same with laser staff, you said it charges the same as DTS. Okay, no offense, but are you trying to copyright a charge meter? Should I mention a 2010 ROBLOX fighting game that also used a charge meter before both our games? Did we both copy that one person? Next, the healing staff. Healing staffs have been around forever in RPGs, in ROBLOX, in folk tales: you can’t copyright a healing staff. I can provide the image inspiration we used to make ours if needed, it was an old RPG game. You said our healing staff functioned the same as yours as it “created shields”. In your game (I’m going off beta version, never used healing staff in your new version), you just used the basic ROBLOX forcefield. Are you actually going to say I copied your idea of invincibility because you used a ROBLOX forcefield? Yes, I guess you can say both our games “create shields”, but if I was inspired by someone it wasn’t from your version. Shields to protect your teammates literally have been around for years before your game was even made. Take Team Fortress 2 for example. The medic has a gun that can make one teammate invincible for short time and makes them turn blue thus creating a shield for them. Does this mean we both copied TF2? Lastly, windforce. Although windforce is a ROBLOX made weapon, you were talking about the ability create an arc. I’m not going to mention other games with that ability (assuming you were “inspired” by those games) because I’m going to honestly say I thought the idea of having a wind part was a nice literal ability for the name Wind Force like your game had. So I made a wind part just like your game.
Why did you bother taking ideas from my weapons in DtS, when out of all places, you can make your own?
- Can you please PM me the weapons other than the Wind Force wind arc? I’m having trouble thinking of any. I will edit the post if you find any others. Nonetheless, I will also mention that we both were inspired from the same game, so it is highly likely to have similar assets. Let me post this picture.
Ok, think about it. Both our games have the name “Respected Defender”. No, I did not copy you, this was purely coincidental. If I were truly getting all my ideas from you, wouldn’t you think I would at least try to hide that and change the name? Are you seriously trying to copyright this name? Do you know how basic it is? Let me list a couple of “defending sounding and noob-killing words”. "Destroyer, Hero, Legendary, Respected, Legend, Killer, Strongest, Warrior, True, Winner Do you see how basic these words are? If we did happen to have the same name, it honestly would not be a surprise as both our games are about defending a statue. Also to mention, you just used the basic ROBLOX gears. Take for example the laser scythe or the black iron mace or the triple burst gun or the laser pistol. Does that mean we both copied ROBLOX? I hate to say it, but basic, common gears in different games does not mean that the latter game copied the former. Do you honestly believe a flame thrower being in both games means I copied you, that I got the idea from your game? Did you create the idea of a flame thrower? Does that mean you also copied someone? I’m not going to answer those questions because I think it is pretty obvious what the answers are.
Why did you make bosses with similar animations and functions in DtS when all you’ve done was change the name and call it a day? Noticed from Noob King - Similar special attack animations from Giant Armored Noob and special attacks like the giant explosion move. The only difference seen was the ability to spawn soldiers.
- Thank you for asking this as I would have also addressed this. It would seem from some (not all) of your community (and presumably you too) that a vast majority of bosses were copied. In fact, a lot of your community thinks we blatantly copied your game version’s bosses. Let’s take a look:
For reference, NX-1024 is DTS Remastered’s tank boss (sorry got no pic atm). Now I must ask, does every single tank in any other game mean they copied you? In honesty, they do not even look similar at all. In addition, they even function differently. My version of a tank boss (The Destroyer) shoots noobs out of its barrel, has 4 turrets surrounding it, is very mobile, and lays mines that explode. Your version of a tank boss is extremely slow, shoots rockets out of its back at the statue, and deals damage by its barrel. Now tell me, are there any similarities? No. I must say this because some believe it’s not obvious. So, sorry to say this, but I am not “taking someone elses hard work and recreating it without giving credit.” I would have given credit if there were at all similar. Another example is this picture: Ok, this one made made laugh. For reference, Aerial Nightmare is DTS Remastered’s airplane boss. Ok again, how is me making a UFO copying your idea of an airplane boss? They don’t even have any of the same functions. Why does your community think we copied your game’s bosses when they don’t even look alike or even function alike? I feel like (from your community) any boss that is the same type automatically means I copied you. Your version has a flying boss and so does mine?
“Copied.” Even if they look different and function differently? " Yes, copied." … Moving on, The only boss you can technically say is inspired is my game’s Noob King. We got that idea from the original, not from you. And you said my game has a similar attack ability, the giant explosion move? Boss Fighting Simulator has the same exact move, in fact, a shockwave from a hammer has been around in animes, cartoons, and other ROBLOX game before yours. A lot of your so-called copying is literally found in games before yours. Does that mean you copied other games?
What was your intention on taking weapon functions from DtS and making it your own by changing the name and function in SSD?
- This question is very similar to a previous question which I answered. Please see that answer. Simply put, almost nothing was “copied”. If you are asking why I chose these certain names and weapons, it’s because they are fun. Interesting names and interesting weapons can really add to your game and make it fun.
What was your reasoning the fact it’s fine to take one’s work from their game (DtS is a solo developer game that made all of the weapons, developer weapons, joke weapons, etc.) and using that as your advantage in your game (SSD)?
• Luck of the RNG (DtS) | Lucky Sword (SSD)
• Original models are from Beta DtS, especially the Laser Staff. SSD’s Laser Staff has the exact model from DtS except with more detail added.
• Windforce’s % chance of creating a knockback arc (DtS | Windforce’s % chance of creating an arc (SSD)
• Heavenly’s Blessing Shield [Q] that negates 90% damage | “God’s Touch” ability that creates a shield w/ a copied particle effect from Particle-A-Day Effects Pack
- As I already mentioned, using ROBLOX models (as you did in your game) does not mean I copied you. In fact, every mesh in our game was made by @Cantaaloupe or @Trocrom. This includes gears, accessories, and the bosses. We did not use ROBLOX meshes like you did. Most weapons don’t even function the same and if they do, it wasn’t an idea you came up with. Let’s start with your version’s Luck of the RNG or my version’s Lucky Sword. In my version, the sword deals dmg and drops coins on death. In your version, it deals damage based on RNG. How is that at all similar or even considered copying? You can’t even say its because they look alike because, in fact, you used a ROBLOX model. Are you taking credit for a gear made by ROBLOX? Secondly, all the others you mentioned I already addressed in a previous answer: laser staff, windforce, healing staff. You say original models, but I don’t think ROBLOX models are original. We got our inspiration for a laser staff also from an RPG game we used google search on. So the original question, what is my reasoning for taking one’s work? Simply put, I didn’t. Almost everything you said can be proved you weren’t even the first person to come up with the idea. And if you did, I didn’t even use them. I can pretty much ask you the same question: Why do you think it was fine to use ROBLOX models as an advantage in your game? You didn’t come up with the models, so why are you using them? Where did you get inspired form? Why are you using ideas from others than you did not come up with? Lastly, I don’t know the reason why you had to mention you were a solo developer. Does being a solo developer put you on a pedestal? I think that was very irrelevant to add to the question and actually digress from it.
Before I end, I must address many hypocrisies. Let’s start with the idea of copying. Realize I did not even define the word “copying” at all in my post. This is because I believe the word has been used too many times the real definition was blurred. Here is a google search: “a thing made to be similar or identical to another.” I wrote that because I must ask you, what is the difference between the word “copying” and the word “reference”? You used the word “reference” a lot as an excuse for many identical assets in your game from other games.
You have a last prism from terraria in your game, you have music in your game I’m sure you didn’t ask permission for, you have a literal master sword from Zelda, and many others. But, is it all right to do this if it’s just a reference? Ok now, I must ask you, if you are “supposedly” attacking me (by disliking and sorts) for “copying” your game, doesn’t that sort of make you a hypocrite?
I apologize, I really do, if it seems like I’m just flaming and ranting, but these are the facts I just had to point out. I understand any “hate” that might be coming, but at least act reasonable and mature.
I understand this, but I’m not sure disliking my game is justified. I feel like you’re the type to skim over and ignore my points. Please prove me wrong and read this. You think that a new game similar to yours is competition, which I don’t see at all. Nothing is saying we both can’t co-exist as every other game on ROBLOX is doing. By the way, I first approached your community by being polite and mature and was returned with negativity.

It would have been fine if it was just certain people as kids can be kids, but even the creator, you, joined in on the negativity. I only wrote this post because I thought I was dealing with a mature creator, not one that goes off the general vibe of hate. You know, there’s nothing saying we couldn’t be allies. I’m not sure why you are creating a lot of hate for another game that was inspired by the same game you were, the original DTS. Why must we be enemies if we were inspired by the same game? Think about it. Our games both clearly have a lot of hard work put into them. For the amount of effort we both put in, our games should be having 10x the amount of players we currently both have. We should be helping each other, pointing out flaws so the other can improve on them such as this:

Thank you for pointing this out. As it seems, my own playthrough and yours is obviously going to be different as I made the game, so noting it was long for the average player is good information I couldn’t have known myself. So want a conclusion? We both have games that are clearly underrated and both inspired from the same game, so why the hate?