OMG please tell me this is a joke
Slippery slope fallacy.
Platform end goal doesn’t always align with what the team wants. They need to keep some of the integrity of what their goal is. Community has backlashed on a TON of things that ended up being beneficial to the platform as a whole.
Its not like its going to be forced on you.
Fallacy fallacy. Even if it is a fallacy, that’s not a reason to dismiss it completely. If bodies are more realistic, inappropriate use of them becomes even worse.
Community backlash also suggests that something is wrong… There was a lot of backlash against the new profile page. Should ROBLOX have listened to the requests to revert it? Absolutely not. The design of the page was far from perfect though, and the backlash communicated that. As a result the page improved for the better.
This affects everyone on the platform. Let’s say there’s a better direction these could be taken, which isn’t necessarily what’s suggested in the OP. If ROBLOX continues down their current direction, the whole platform will lose out on potentially better alternatives. Also, it’d be a huge waste of engineering resources if an update had a ton of work put into it and only a small fraction of the playerbase used it – ideally the end result would be good enough to unify the entire platform behind it. Insisting that it’s fine if most users don’t like a feature because they can toggle it off is just ignorant.
I didn’t commit a fallacy fallacy by simply pointing out a slippery slope. That doesn’t mean I dismissed it completely just showing that a slippery slope is not the way to make your argument. So your fallacy accusation does not apply.
Backlash can also suggest that the community doesn’t know what they’re talking about, that they think ROBLOX isn’t already aware of issues as they always release v1 and iterate on it in a future release knowing of the issues on release, or that they just hate change. I’m referring to backlash on whole ideas themselves not criticisms on how the current implementation can be improved. Completely different.
I don’t see how thats ignorant at all. What does that have to do with lacking knowledge? ROBLOX is a constant iteration process. A process of trial and error. The whole platform wouldn’t lose out on potentially better alternatives because if the staff finds what they deem to be a better alternative for their vision of the platform then they will do it regardless. On your engineering resource comment, every update you make is a risk honestly. Everybody knows that. Either it works or it doesn’t and they 100% know that. But sometimes you just have to try and see if it works. And this trial and error is exactly why ROBLOX doesn’t impose these kind of things on you. Its why R15 is optional. Its why devs are getting finer character controls soon.
Design is not linear. Major underlying issues cannot be fixed with a v2 or v3, and instead require the concept to be redesigned from the ground up. The fact that barbie Kent’s face is in no way appropriate for ROBLOX is not something that can be fixed by polish.
Keyword “find”. They have to discover it first… If there’s no incentive to do so, they won’t.
This isn’t an indie game. Corporations don’t have the leisure of trial and error – it is extremely costly do to anything.
R15 is optional because it’s meant to be a transition. Eventually the goal is to replace R6 entirely, since R15’s base design is already good enough that iteration will suite nearly everyone’s needs. A toggle would not be appropriate for an underutilized feature that stuck around forever.
Wat. A face decal has nothing to do with the bodies lol and I wouldn’t call that inappropriate.
The redesigned from the ground up? Nah, tweaking the concept itself is a thing. I don’t think there’s even an inherent flaw with their current system. Even the Q-Clash characters is more or less just tweaks in the mesh here and there. The core system would still be the same.
If anthro failed thats plenty of incentive. Improving the platform is plenty of incentive. If they implement something and it works fine, they’ll leave it as is, focus on other stuff in their roadmap, but they always revisit older stuff to make it better.
I never said they do it all the time, but no matter what you do, you have to take a risk. Characters have always been a trial and error. You yourself mentioned the low R15 adoption rate.
Well yeah and by the time they do force something, it would be a widely adopted and accepted concept. Thats my whole point though. Its not like they’re going to say ‘this is the character, you gotta use it, deal with it’ and this key choice is fantastic. Because at that whether you use it or not decides if thats their final end product. At least for that time being.
It’s stuff like this that convinces me that the staff at Roblox are West Coast techies who are young, adventurous, and bend to every whim the higher ups give in favour of a positive work environment
I’m convinced it has that atmosphere that is all smiles and progress charts and meetings about nothing, all while ostrocizing anyone who doesn’t “go with the flow” or making the environment so “walking on eggshells”/ fragile that stating “This is stupid” is insane-
Because the fact that no Roblox playing interns or anyone that makes games on this platform in the current staff right now isn’t either laughing out loud/ objecting these sorts of directions outright.
This is so god damn out of touch with every community associated with Roblox expects out of the game.
I get that you have to be moving the game forward, but surely you realize there are wrong/ redundant steps. There has to be measures or places to discuss this at a higher intensity.
Cause this is really, really bad. R16 is great, mesh deformation would’ve been better, but for the love of god R32 is not the “next logical step”
What are we supposed to do? Beat up the higher ups or quit roblox? Everyone has their responsibilities and skills. Anyone at roblox can talk to anyone, it’s not a dictatorship, but in the end people make their own decisions, as is their job. The community should let roblox know what they like and dislike about anything and they’ll take that into consideration.
They took the community’s displeasure into consideration a few years ago when they last tried changing the way characters looked, did they not?
But this is a big deal for the platform. The only way this could have been approved instaff is if many people don’t hold an opinion on the matter (either by seeing opinions as being pointless due to the social environment) or are genuinely unfamiliar with what Roblox is and how it’s perceived by everyone.
Or everyone happened to be that 10% of people who don’t find it that bad and can genuinely support that opinion.
Of course they did it but it does not always do so. For example with the server list update.
Traditionally features involving the vision of ROBLOX are deaf to feedback (e.g. nearly two years for what the community was requesting with the topbar), so I can understand some users being skeptical their feedback is being heard. The similarity between anthro and Avatar 2.0 may also be concerning to some.
Are people not allowed to make mistakes? You can’t ask for more if they suggest a character change and then don’t go through with it when everyone disagrees. I would say right now is what you’re looking for: They are in the early stages of a project and they presented it to you and now you are able to give feedback on it. And we clearly are.
The server list update was not as easy as just doing whatever you want. Sometimes updates are bad, and often there are deeper reasons for things they do. Have you not done things your players didn’t want in an update, because you had to?
I appreciate where they were trying to go with this. Something like this is definitely the next logical step up from the R15 packages. However, as these demos prove, with anthropomorphic packages you either have to go full realism (and lose part of Roblox’s identity) or go for the full cartoon aesthetic. The sort of in-between just looks a little odd and doesn’t fit with the overall style of most already existing games. I think it should be left up to the game developer whether or not they want to add realistic-looking characters to their game, rather than it being a mandatory/official feature.
I think the concern is whether or not the gravity of the feedback is communicated. E.g. if there’s feedback the first day and then none after that because everything that’s needed to be said has, it may be misinterpreted as “Oh, nobody’s talking about this anymore, so it must not be too important to them”. Not everyone works at ROBLOX and is privy to upcoming changes.
I agree that mistakes can happen. But at least we can avoid this one. Most of us do not like the Anthropomorphic Avatars. That is why ROBLOX must take our suggestions into consideration in order not to make a mistake which he would have to regret. For now I will be looking forward to the next update of this avatar.
I hope they will take our suggestions into consideration. They had a whole room appear unsatisfactory when they presented it.
Let’s wait now!
I can’t recall one thing that’s been shown here as being “tested” and then went back for revisions.
Almost every “they can’t be serious” update made it to production, and at best changed only AFTER massive community backlash