In my game, there have been a LOT of exploiters in almost every server that abuses Roblox’s physics engine and glitches the ships. I looked into this and found out it has to do with network ownership and a player’s simulation radius (which cannot be changed or detected from a script).
I looked further into this article:
This exploit is the exact same one I’ve been dealing with for the past couple weeks every day. I don’t know how to solve this because I can’t work with SimulationRadius from a script.
local JumpsRate = 0
local MaxJumpsRate = 4
local Player = game.Players.PlayerAdded:Wait()
local Character = Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local KickReason = 'Infinite Jumping try'
local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')
JumpsRate += 1
while wait(1) do
if JumpsRate >= MaxJumpsRate then
You already tried to create the anti exploit system ppl recomended on that post?
You know, cancel the Network Ownership for clients, set it exclusively for server, and check if its possible to keep that ownership on the server?
Does your game has many unanchored parts that needs to be controlled by the client?