[Anti-Exploit / Security / Rollback] - Allow us to manually step the physics simulation

Yes it’s not useful just on its own - there’s more to it


This looks like this is a planned, upcoming feature, as they recently released the ability to pause physics in studio, along with the inclusion of a new method under the WorldRoot class, StepPhysics. Looks like it’s not able to be called in the local or server scope yet.


I’m hoping plugin security level is a temporary measure only too

Why is this not a feature yet?

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Allegedly it’s coming and exists as plugin security only for now. Hoping it comes soon

I need this and so do many others that I know!

This would be awesome for server authoritative player movement!

Server authoritative movement is still the way 90% of games handle player movement unlike the 2006 Player controlled movement.

This topic needs a bump! This would be such a great feature and I hope Roblox listens to us and adds it one day.

This couldn’t come sooner.

Bump. We all need this feature. Chickynoid has proven that even without direct access to api’s, character physics can be verified through server without any significant performance costs


It’s peak :coefficients: :coefficients: :coefficients:


unfortunately StepPhysics seems to be left on PluginSecurity on purpose(see New StepPhysics Plugin API)

My thoughts are it’s good but it’s not great because if anyone finds a bypass to server authority it’s pretty much going to lead to an even worse era of exploits. Every time they push something to counter exploiters… the exploiters push back even harder. It’s like a game of tug of war.

This is like saying “If anyone finds a bypass to Filtering Enabled it’ll be horrible”, the entire point is that is becomes impossible to have the Client tell the Server what to do, like what Filtering Enabled did by completely preventing Clients from arbitrarily replicating Instances and Properties to the Server. This should get rid of the remaining stragglers by eliminating the Network Ownership system and a few other places where Filtering Enabled was (intentionally) not respected.


We shall see my friend. Time will tell how good it will be. That was only my opinion at the end of the day nobody will know until it rolls out in 2025

I’m not sure how much I agree with the whole anti-exploit method since it could introduce things like rubber-banding which can quickly become very frustrating.

But I still support the feature of having full control over physics stepping.
Roblox’ engine doesn’t give enough control over things that actually make up some of the core parts of a game.

Besides, I really want to use physics stepping to create some client-sided slow-motion effects or for cut-scenes where things blow up and get destroyed in slow-mo.

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All you need to do is secure packets (validate on server). Once you do that server authority becomes unbypassable with 0 false flags. This has been tried and tested in countless competitive games with no bypasses

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Rubber banding is only a problem on high ping and if your game is competitive in any way, high ping is gonna be an issue regardless

Oh wow, I can’t believe I didn’t see this earlier. It was making me go insane to the point of trying to learn how 3D physics engines work and writing my own in Luau, about two years ago.

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