AntiWallhop - Patches wallhopping from the humanoid controller

EDIT: This is used in Flood Escape 2 as of V62.72. Thank you, Crazyblox.

I recently wrote a module that prevents the character from detecting and jumping off floors inside walls. It works by disabling the built-in landing transition and implementing custom floor detection after the physics step, when the root part is forced outside the wall.

Character wallhopping with the anti-wallhop turned off vs. onSide view of a character wallhopping between two walls with the anti-wallhop turned off vs. on

This results in a wallhop patch that minimally affects the character’s physics. Trussflicking, which also results from the root part clipping into walls but avoids the landing state, is preserved.

Character successfully trussflicking with the anti-wallhop turned on

In addition to patching wallhopping, the anti-wallhop

  • Accurately emulates humanoid floor detection
  • Provides the option to visualize raycasts
  • Supports R6 and R15

If you’re interested in using this module in your project, you can get it from the Creator Marketplace. The API documentation is at the beginning of the file for your convenience.

For more in-depth documentation, see the GitHub repository:

You can also test the anti-wallhop here:


Very amazing work, i like it. Keep it up, it is very decent!

people used wallhoping to get into my admin room where i had a nuke button. srsly thank you.