Flicking Camera Allows Climbing Wall Intersections


This is what is known as the wallhop glitch. It allows players to jump off of where two walls meet together using a precise camera flick. It can be used to get out of bounds and in unintended areas. This is possible in both R6 and R15. It can be used to travel both vertically and horizontally. This is a relatively unknown bug, however has been possible for a while.






  1. Approach a flat wall with multiple breaks in it.
  2. Face it completely forward and enable shiftlock
  3. Jump on the wall while moving forward, and as soon as your legs are descending on the split in the wall, press the < key followed rapidly by the > key (Do not press at the same time nor too long from each other. The timing takes practice.)
  4. (If going horizontally) Hold down A or D so that you move in the desired direction while still repeating Step 3.

Reproduction Game:

If you would like to try and reproduce this bug yourself using the guide, feel free to try it out in the game below.


Extra Information:

All the walls seen in the above media are completely line up with eachother. If you try to jump without the camera flick, you will not ascend.
You are able to turn around and change the walls you are on so that you can explore more areas.

Turning Horizontally:



This glitch has actually existed for many years like the very widespread and old wall breaching glitch.


To be honest, something that came in my head to be able to fix this if you make a script for the two < , > buttons and a smoother turn transitions instead of instant.

I’ll fix the wording, my bad. I asked several people who’ve been looking for roblox engine bugs and experimenting, but none of them had seen it before.

Yeah, this is a good idea to counter that exact method. Something I did not mention, though, is you don’t exactly have to use those keys.

I’ve messed around a bit more and found you can do it in a few more ways. One way I’ve found is this:

  1. Face the wall, completely flat up against it.
  2. Have your camera facing your side, even with your character.
  3. Jump while moving forward, and when you are descending, enable and disable shiftlock rapidly.

Do this right and it should produce this:

And yes, this works in R15 as well:


Much less consistent, you can wallhop using only your camera in shiftlock. You won’t be able to climb the entire towers (unless you get extremely lucky), but you will be able to pull off a jump or two.

To do this, you must:

  1. Approach a wall, flat up against it.
  2. Jump, and as soon as you are falling down to the divide in the wall, enable shiftlock and flick your camera to the right and back to its original position

Following these steps should do this:


R15 is the hardest to wallhop with, generally due to where the legs are positioned in the jump animation of your animation pack. I’ve found that the toy animation pack’s jump produces the most consistent results.


I’m pretty sure this glitch has something to do with abusing the way humanoids stay above parts through the internal downcasting from the HumanoidRootPart. I figure this given the way the camera is being flicked. Legs don’t actually collide with parts, which is why you have smooth movement even with animations when the parts of the leg meet the ground.