Any plugins? Labeling new parts: Front, back, top, bottom, left, right

I was wondering if anyone knew of a plugin that automatically labels the sides of a part when you create it. I’ve seen Alvin Blox create a new part and all the sides are labeled when its made.

I could add text to each side of the part using a texture (or paste in for every new part) but I was wondering if there was some plugin to do all that work for me, maybe even UNDO the work as well.

Thanks for any info!

I have a surface viewer, but it doesn’t use text to indicate the surfaces. This sounds like it would make a great plugin though! Maybe I’ll even update mine to support it.

Wrong category #help-and-feedback would have been a better place to ask.

Thanks, I’ll check that one out!

Alvin’s using StudioTweaks, a cool plugin that does a ton of useful stuff:


Why do you need to know the faces of a part? Out of curiosity. The only reason I can think of that a part face would be relevant to is for textures but even then it auto selects the face for you if you go to the dropdown menu.

Textures is the exact reason, actually. I feel like seeing the side will help me get better at making sure the texture is oriented correctly (vertical or horizontal).