Anybody experiencing high 80-100% CPU rates when on certain pages of the Website? [Possible Website Bug]

I don’t have access to bug reports and am unsure if this is just my system or it could be a website issue

When you go to certain pages on the website such as: Avatar, Avatar item, or the Player Profile the CPU shoots up to 80-100% and it starts lagging really bad, but when you switch to a different tab or exit out of the tab it just instantly drops back to normal.


If this is a website bug could someone who has BugSupport report permissions pls forward it there so Roblox notices?

This isn’t the correct topic for this.

Maby read it to see why I posted it here? I dont have permission

YOu could post it in Platform usage Support asking for assistance on how to fix it.

This happens when you visit the avatar page without hardware acceleration on, not sure if it applies to all browsers but you can read more in this post here: