Nothing loading on Website, Studio, and Roblox Apps
For about a week now I have been unable to load anything on the roblox website, app, studio, etc on my computer.
I am able to login and play on other devices such as my phone on my home internet
I cannot even play games (including my own)
At first I thought it was because roblox was down but I can clearly see on it is up (7/15/23).
Not sure how you could reproduce this but here is what I’m using
- Browser: Firefox & Edge
- Extensions: none
- OS: Windows
- Antivirus: Windows Defender & Malwarebytes
- Firewall: Enabled
- ISP: Google Fiber
- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Super
- CPU: Intel (R) Core™ i7-9700 CPU @ 3.00GHz
I am not using ethernet/wired connection. I am using a wireless connection.
When opening an experience page I get this response:
Things I have tried so far
- Logging in and out (2FA errors forcing me to use quick login)
- Clearing cookies
- Separate browsers
- Removing all extensions
- Disabling Firewall
- Disabling Antivirus
- Using iPhone hotspot
- Restarting wifi
Browser console errors
I have noticed in my browser console I am getting a ton of errors, more than usual.
I can provide a browser log file if needed.
The errors consist of:
- maxAttemptsReached (could be rate limit???)
- CORS Error (I tried using CORS Unblock extension… no luck)
- 404 Errors, tons of them which are causing the CORs errors
Even on roblox app, i get 404 errors constantly, it seems like roblox is just blocking me from there site and not giving me files from them resulting in 404s.
Thanks in advance
Could this perhaps just be a shadow hwid/ip ban. If it is please just let me know so I don’t have to go on this wild goosechase to get access to roblox again. Thanks.
Other occurrences
I have made a post on reddit about this (r/RobloxHelp)
It seems others are having similar issues, same as described above
Post: Reddit - Dive into anything
Another similar post: Reddit - Dive into anything
Here is a devforum reply of someone reporting similar problems:
Here is a person on the downdetector website reporting this EXACT issue
Due to the mass amount of people with this issue this should be higher prioritized in my opinion. Its a very strange bug/error though so not sure how this will be fixed.
When running on a VM
When I run roblox on a VM everything works as normal, so it is something locally on my PC.
Opening a private server join link
This is what I see when I open a private server join link (Error Code: 529)
BTW almost every roblox api endpoint responds with a 404 on my computer.
Log/dump files were attached to the internal ticket by a Roblox Staff (@Focia19), due to the sensitive information they may contain, will not be shared publicly!