"API Services rejected request with error (HTTP 403 (Forbidden))" Error

I’m in Team Create with my friend 564. We’re making a game which saves data via the DataStore service. When I attempted to use the GetAsync() function, an error saying

API Services rejected request with error. HTTP 0 (HTTP 403 (HTTP 403 (Forbidden)))

We are completely dumbfounded as to whats occuring here. The line in which the error occuring says the following:

if Storage:GetAsync(Player.UserId.."~Level") == nil then

Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


This question has been asked several times before, once yesterday as well. If you aren’t the owner of the place, you cannot use its DataStores, hence HTTP 403 Forbidden.

Other thread:


That’s very confusing, because I’m the scripter for my friend. Is there a way however we can prevent this?

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No. Whoever owns the place is the only one able to connect to DataStores in a team create, so they will need to be the one to configure DataStores when needed.


This same problem occurs to me despite me being the place owner

Edit: Turns out that you have to enable, “Enable Studio Acces to API Services” in game settings in the options area


even if i did that it wont work… weird isnt it?

EDIT: oh sorry i got another error code [502]

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