APIsManager: easily get information from Roblox APIs

Hello everyone, have you ever had a hard time getting information from the Roblox APIs?

Don’t remember parameters.
Problems with or without the proxy.
Too many lines to get and format information.

That is about to end! APIsManager is an easy to use and read module, everything is organized by classes and methods.

  • Google Scripts is used as a proxy, here is the original publication that explains it better.
  • Currently I will only add Get requests.


local APIsManager = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").APIsManager).new(ScriptId)
local AvatarInfo = APIsManager.AvatarAPI:AvatarInfo(1)
print(AvatarInfo.scales) -- {bodyType = 0, depth = 1, head = 1, height = 1, proportion = 0, width = 1}

Each class will be organized in GitHub with its respective methods and source code.


Well Done! I have definitely encountered the issues you mentioned in the beginning of the post and will also definitely consider using this :slight_smile:

Do you plan on ever supporting POST, PATCH, and DELETE requests?

If so, that would be great. Saves me so much hassle.

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