How to get a players description?

The title basically says it but I will explain a little. I am making a stats GUI that contains details about the player and I need to get the players description from their profile page. Any clue how to do this through code to automate the system?

Screenshot of the description I need: (about)


You need a proxy to do this. Make a request to{userid} and then that will give you a dictionary of info relating to the user, including their description.

You can check the users API here: Users Api

So basically, I need to hook up to the users ID which gives me the info I need?

Yes, you use their user id in place of {userid}. So for example if you wanted to look up the user with the user ID 123456, you’d make the request to You cannot make requests to Roblox from Roblox though, so that’s where the proxy server comes in place.

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Do you mind explaining this to me. I don’t really use this type of system. I have never used a proxy before.

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Use my module :wink:
It basically does what @7z99 said, but easier to read, its proxy is from Google, before roproxy or rprxy was used, but it was deprecated.

local APIsManager = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").APIsManager).new(ScriptId)
local UserInfo = APIsManager.UsersAPI:UserInfo(1)			-- Roblox user
print(UserInfo.description) -- Welcome to the Roblox profile!
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I’ll give it a go! Thank you very much.

There is one orange line underneath the “ScriptId” in the brackets. Any clue why?

See my post, there it will tell you, and ScriptId is the Id of the Google script, in the link to GitHub it appears how to create it.