Apocalypse Rising 2 Alpha Free Release Changelog


  • Updated almost all 3D backpacks, vests, and belts with a more consistent color palette

  • Updated almost all firearm model colors to coincide with new color palette

  • Added sitting animations to vehicles

  • Updated model for “Military Backpack” and changed name to “Heavy Military Rucksack”

  • Added a WWII US Infantry Webbing variant

  • Added a Vintage Soviet Backpack color variant

  • Added two Vintage Duffel Bag color variants

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing pickup truck from spawning

  • Fixed German Infantry Pants color not matching top

  • NOTICE: The next update will change the Desert Camo, Desert Chip Camo, and Tan Flight Suit outfits/hats to be Event cosmetics. Their current spawns will soon
    be removed, and they will only be available during the Drying in the future.


12/16/2023 [The Holiday Event ends on 01/22/24]
Santa’s Workshop has returned, and all limited Holiday cosmetics from previous years is once again available to find and unlock!

  • The Ocean has frozen solid
  • Added Snowmobile event vehicle which replaces all boats for the duration of the event
  • Added new Ice footstep and bullet impact sound effects
  • Added one new non-event miniboss Infected
  • Added White Leather Chest Holster as a non-event rare color variant
  • Changed loot pools for Tan Military Backpacks, Tan Special Forces Backpacks, Tan Tactical Vest, and White Military Duffel
  • Changed all Desert Camo, Desert Chip Camo, Tan Flight Suit outfits/hats, and Tan military vest/webbing to be Drying-Event-Only cosmetics
  • Updated Military Woodland Camo outfit, cap, and helmet to be more consistent in color value
  • Fixed an issue where some limbs on highwaist pants and full-body cloaks/dusters had an unnecessary duplicate overlay (these outfits should look a bit better)

VIP Servers:

  • Added military field dressings as a loadout option
  • Added utilities to the loadout options
  • The current map is now displayed when picking loadout
  • Configured loadouts now save across play sessions
  • First person lock setting
  • Spectate follow modes toggle

12/25/2023 [The Holiday Event ends on 01/22/24]
The Ice Fortress has appeared, along with a new faction of enemies!

  • Added three new event locations
  • Added 58 new limited event cosmetics
  • Added limited two-color “Frosted” gun skin pack
  • Added two new event consumables
  • Added one new event health item
  • Added one new event melee weapon and one non-event melee weapon

New non-event cosmetics

  • Added White Cargo Jacket
  • Added Tan and White Beanie
  • Added Gray Beard accessory
  • Updated appearance of Soviet Ushanka


  • Added Snow tires to vehicles
  • Slightly increased pocket knife swing speed
  • Removed A/D tab navigation from game menus
  • Fixed Red Cabana and Black Cabana shirt
  • Fixed consumables displaying debug text under certain conditions

1/09/2024 [The Holiday Event ends on 01/22/24]

  • Rewrote vehicle seat/dismount system
  • Changed how physics host “ghosting” works to help avoid bad physics ownership hand-offs
  • Updated vehicle shoving system to be a little more accurate
  • Fixed Military Field Radio spawn

1/12/2024 [The Holiday Event ends on 01/22/24]

  • Fixed the loot system not trying to rotate items when spawning new loot
  • Changed the ordering of right click options for ammo items to be more consistent
  • Added Tan Tactical Belt spawn to Military Transport Plane random event

1/12/2024 [The Holiday Event ends on 01/22/24]

  • Fixed the loot system item auto-rotation when spawning loot that is too tall for the container (this should be a big deal for large backpack spawns all over the map)
  • Changed the ordering of right click options for ammo items to be more consistent
  • Added Tan Tactical Belt spawn to Military Transport Plane random event


  • Added random event spawn for Steel Longsword
  • Added unique infected drop for Gray Beard Accessory
  • Added descriptive RichText to medical items
  • Removed movement speed penalty while using Bandages
  • Decreased movement speed penalty while using the Military Medkit
  • Removed movement speed penalty while using Stamina Boosters
  • Adjusted inventory icon framing for most firearms (and when attachments are equipped)
  • Moderate increase to drop rates for Burglar cosmetics
  • Slight increase to drop rates for Pirate cosmetics


  • Added Mosin-Nagant M44 Carbine
  • Added new Military Rucksack in Green, Black and Tan
  • Rebalanced Military and Special Forces backpack loot pools and spawn rates
  • Increased Mosin “Obrez” muzzle flash chance

2/14/2024 [The Valentines Mini-Event ends on 03/04/24]

  • Added ability to apply Skins to Melee Weapons (only two Special melee weapons cannot accept Skins)
  • Added limited two-color “Roses” weapon skin pack
  • Added three new limited event cosmetics
  • Added Movie Theater Attendant top and pants as rare cosmetic drops from unique infected
  • Added Teal Work Apron as a rare cosmetic drop from unique infected [This cosmetic was accidentally added to the game before it was visually complete, it will be updated in the near future]
  • Significant increase to drop rates for Admiral and Hustler cosmetics, as well as the Gold Ranch Belt
  • Fixed Makarov slide not applying skins
  • Updated Blue Police Shirt to have a more appropriate badge
  • Fixed incorrect seat exit position in the SUV
  • Updated size and model geometry for some melee weapons (no changes were made to hitboxes)

2/29/2024 [The Valentines Mini-Event ends on 03/04/24]

  • Changed firearm magazines to apply the primary pattern when using non-event weapon skins [however, when using event weapon skins, magazines will continue to apply the secondary color]
  • Added White Work Apron as rare cosmetic drop from a unique infected
  • Fixed Desert Camo and Desert Chip Camo Boonie Hat textures (unintended pattern/shading on parts of brim)
  • Fixed Teal and Black Work Aprons missing their back texture
  • Fixed incorrect UV map for the arm meshes of the infected character rig [this was identified thanks to the asymmetrical SWAT Shirt badge, it was almost imperceptible otherwise]

3/31/2024 [Easter Mini-Event ends on 04/22/24]

  • Added nine new limited event cosmetics
  • Added Chocolate Egg event consumable which heals the player a small amount of health over a short period of time when eaten (healing effect can be stacked if consumed rapidly)
  • Added limited two-color “Chocolate Egg” weapon skin pack
  • Added non-event “Tulips” weapon skin pack
  • Added non-event Hard Boiled Egg consumable as potential loot in fridges and coolers
  • Reduced the time it takes to eat Apples, Oranges, Chocolate Bar, and Bubblegum (half the time compared to other food)
  • Improved system for managing the player starting inventory, and changed the starting Energy Drink to be any of the available colors/flavors instead of the same color every spawn
  • Fixed Model 29 front sight [the red color was accidentally removed in a recent update]


  • Added new Hotbar back-end that allows us better control over slot memory and the stack/count number of an item slotted in the hotbar
  • Military rations and variants of the same consumable now properly stack in the hotbar (having 3 different sports drinks will display as x3 instead of x1 in the hotbar)
  • Added Green Butan Soviet Camo uniform
  • Added Olive and Grime M88 Soviet uniforms
  • Added three Berezka camo-covered variants of Soviet SSh-68 helmet
  • Added Green variant of SSh-68 Combat Helmet
  • Changed Olive SSh-68 Combat Helmet texture to be rust-free and less saturated in color

The Drying Event [6/07/24 - 8/05/24]

  • The alpha map has become a desert wasteland again, and all 62 limited Drying cosmetics from last year are once again available
  • Added 21 new limited cosmetics
  • Added limited event Desert Militia Marauder cosmetic outfit pack (includes 3 hat variants, 3 belts, 7 accessories, and 6 vest variants (with/without armor)
  • Added limited event weapon skin pack, including “Fade”, “Tiger Stripes”, “Tiger Fade”, and “Wraps” patterns
  • Added SPECIAL “Trooper” M1919A6 LMG
  • Added ability to equip any two Accessories at the same time and updated inventory/creator UI
  • Added three new event map locations and small structures
  • Changed locations of many high value random events and reduced the number of potential locations in some cases
  • Changed appearance, loot drops, and locations, for some rare infected
  • Updated appearance, loot drops, and locations, for most common infected

Drying Cosmetic Changes:

  • Changed Desert Chip camo shirt to have shorter sleeves for better character rig presentation
  • Changed display names for almost all Drying Event cosmetics [Ex. Tanned Leather Dusters, Linen Cloaks, Crude Respirators]
  • Changed color of all Desert Militia Plate Carriers to better match other Drying cosmetics
  • Changed color of Brown Patterned Cloak so that the pants are no longer orange
  • Changed color of Red and Black Hood to match changes to other Drying cosmetics
  • Changed color of Brown and Red Duster to better match with other Drying cosmetics
  • Changed all Robe pants to have covered toes and less clutter near the lower torso
  • Changed color of Red, Green and White Patterned Robes to match changes to other Drying cosmetics

Non-Event Changes:

  • Added 3 new non-event cosmetics (M17A1 Gas Mask, Tan Mechanic Shirt/Pants)
  • Changed M1919A6 LMG to be included in the US surplus loot pool and removed its Rare status
  • Removed burst fire mode from MP5K
  • Updated display names, icon labels, and descriptions for almost all US Military cosmetics and some other military items
  • Adjusted spawn chances for medical items in the civilian medical loot pool
  • Adjusted spawn chances for firearms in the US surplus loot pool
  • Increased spawn rate for US surplus ammo and adjusted spawn chances for items in loot pool
  • Increased spawn rate for 7.62mm Soviet ammo and adjusted spawn chances for items in loot pool
  • Adjusted spawn chances for items in the US military ammo loot pool
  • Changed geometry and scale of Balaclava to be tighter against the character head
  • Changed position and orientation of Military Cap variants to pair better with some masks and glasses
  • Changed all ground loot items to randomly rotate their position unless specified to be fixed in place

The Drying Event has been extended by two weeks!

  • Event now ends on 8/19/24

Stealth-killing an Infected with a melee weapon will now result in a higher chance for them to drop any of their loot!

  • Players must sneak up behind an Infected without being detected, and attack with a melee weapon in order to successfully stealth-kill them (dealing 100 damage)
  • Stealth-killing an Infected will multiply all of their loot drop rates by at least 1.15x, up to as much as 2.5x, depending on the particular Infected [this multiplier was balanced on an individual basis, and varies from one Infected to the next]
  • Stealth-killing Infected directly increases the current loot drop rates for all items, including cosmetics, consumables, attachments, ammo, and utilities


  • Updated mesh geometry for Hair 11 to be more compatible with some hats
  • Updated the position of Soviet Officer Hat, Airline Captain Hat, and Admiral Hat to be compatible with Hair 11
  • Changed all Bandaged Shirts and Tanned Leather Coats to cover the rest of the lower torso so that they are more appealing when wearing non-highwaist pants
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some bonus Marauder outfit pack items from displaying in the character creator under certain rare circumstances (if you were affected by this issue, the missing bonus items should now be available)


  • Increased brightness of nighttime

Halloween Event [10/17/24 - 11/25/24]
The Citadel has returned, and the Portal is open once again!

  • Added 39 new limited event cosmetics, and all 30 Halloween cosmetics from last year are once again available
  • Added limited event weapon skin pack, including “Blood Ghillie”, “Fall Camo”, “Pumpkin”, and “Spiderweb” patterns
  • Added one new event location

Non-event cosmetics and changes:

  • Added Brown Fedora
  • Added Olive Drab Boonie Hat
  • Added Soviet Airborne Beret
  • Added Green Tactical Sweater (more saturated green compared to current color)
  • Changed display name for current Green Tactical Sweater to Olive Drab Tactical Sweater and slightly increased saturation
  • Updated color saturation for all US Military Woodland camouflage cosmetics
  • Updated standard green color used for some military backpacks, vests, and belts (subtle change)
  • Updated textures for all boonie hats (more consistent color from brim to top)
  • Changed Soviet gas mask variants to be associated with Soviet infected instead of “Rogue” infected
  • Changed display names for all Soviet gas mask variants
  • Reduced saturation of the red and green colored lenses for Soviet gas mask variants
  • Changed “Rogue” infected to wear M17A1 Gas Mask instead of Soviet mask variants
  • Adjusted M17A1 Gas Mask color to be more flat black in color


  • Increased recoil reduction and decreased aim speed penalty for Operator and Spetsnaz Suppressors
  • Added round cycling/action sound effects for bolt-action, pump-action, and lever-action firearms
  • Reloading icon now displays during rate of fire delay for bolt-action, pump-action, and lever-action firearms
  • Added M1 Garand Ping sound effect after firing the last round
  • Reduced rate of fire for bolt-action and lever action firearms [in a future update, all firearms will have their stats rebalanced to better accommodate these changes - sorry for the nerf in the meantime]
  • Increased rate of fire for all semi-automatic shotguns to be more in-line with the average semi-automatic’s fire rate
  • Fixed 788 carbine scope swaying unintentionally when moving

10/26/2024 [Halloween Event ends on 11/25/24]

  • Added a FREE limited cosmetic to celebrate 100 million visits
    • Play Apocalypse Rising 2 before November 4th to receive this free cosmetic
  • Increased overall chance for Brown and Gray Chain event cosmetics to drop from Infected inside the Portal [these Infected will also now spawn regardless of the position of players inside the Arena]
  • Changed more Infected NATO Operators to wear (and have a chance to drop) the new non-event Olive Drab Boonie Hat
  • Updated Patched Sportcoat Costume Pants event cosmetic to cover the ankles
  • Updated Black Butan Soviet Camo Top event cosmetic to include gloves
  • Updated position of Patched Hats, Wizard Costume Hats, and Witch Costume Hats to be compatible with Hair 11, 15, and 19
  • Updated Black Patched Hat color to be more flat black
  • Updated Brown Patched Hat color to be less saturated
  • Increased volume and updated sound distance parameters for Trooper M1919A6 fire sound effects

10/28/2024 [Medal Event & 100M celebration ends on 11/04/24]
Medal collab quest - connect your Roblox account to Medal and find three Medal arcade machines by exploring the map

  • Receive a limited UGC Boot Hat for your Roblox avatar after completing the Medal quest (2,000 quantity)
  • Added Apoc 2’s first graphic Tshirt as an in-game reward for activating Medal arcade machines
  • Added Medal Energy Drink as an in-game reward for activating Medal arcade machines

Holiday Event [12/12/2024 - 01/20/25]
The ocean has frozen solid, Santa’s Workshop, the Ice Fortress, and all limited cosmetics from last year have returned to the alpha map once again!

  • Added Chapel Encampment location
  • Added 27 new limited cosmetics
  • Added 8 new limited weapon skins to the Winter Collection
  • Added new Frogman Corps cosmetic outfit pack (includes 5 outfit color variants, 5 accessories, and 5 vests)
  • Added new Camo Collection II weapon skin pack, including a variety of new patterns
  • Added 8 new non-event cosmetics
  • Added gloves to winter military shirts

12/17/2024 [Holiday Event ends on 01/20/25]

  • Changed Elf Commando tops to have long sleeves and gloves
  • Fixed Infected Spetsnaz accidentally dropping two Gray Soviet Ushankas, and changed it to be a rare drop instead
  • Fixed boats spawning unintentionally