April 2020 Recap: Beats to hunt eggs to

I’m still here waiting for the DepthOfField.


Wow keep it up Roblox these are great updates.

That comment you just made doesn’t really make any sense. That “theme” was shown in a trailer and never amounted to anything in the actual Egg Hunt barring the Admin and Faberge eggs…?

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This month was the best so far this year. Thank you roblox.

YES! Configure item on mobile is WHAT WE NEEDED! Thank you, from every mobile player.

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I’ve kind of enjoyed this month. The egg hunt really knocked my hopes down but it’s been great regardless. Here’s to hope next years egg hunt (if there even is going to be one) will be a masterpiece.


Okay, by the way this Egg Hunt were fun! :slight_smile:


Honestly I barely did egg hunt since it was eh and the One World Together thing was fun but I think the younger audiences did not understand it.I did really like the Triple Premium Payouts, Road Map, also the Ad Page needed the preview of your ad before upload ;). And now 30% only for marketplace fee is what I prob most happy about. Overall pretty good month looking forward to see what new coming to Roblox.


These updates are pretty good! But if I have to be honest the egg hunt wasn’t all too fun. Keep up the good work though, and I look forward to see what happens in the future.


The updates in April were pretty useful and apreciated.

I think the Egg Hunt was alright too.

This Was A Great Month
Im So Excited To See Whats Next

Just wondering though, why must we receive the egg 2 weeks after the event ends? Its quite unnecessary and I don’t see a reason behind it. Wouldn’t it be better to have the Faberge Egg right away?

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It’s likely due to Roblox having to run a query to get this data. It’s unfortunate that this year didn’t have a hub because this would’ve made this part of the process significantly easier. In a hub, they could’ve easily checked “hey does this user have all _ badges required, if so, open door and enable the ability to award the egg to them” but since they can’t do anything like this they’d have to get lists of the owners of each badge, and then compare them all and usernames found in every single other list, gets awarded the egg.

Processes like this can take a while I’d imagine, though this is just all me guessing and I don’t actually know how things work.


This has introduced interesting features that I am happy to use and see, and the new asset manager and tripling Premium payouts are my favorite.

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Really cool updates, I must say. However, the Egg Hunt was a shame. Also, with Asset Manager, will it be a permanent replacement? I currently like the Game Explorer, so perhaps making Asset Manager optional would be a better idea.

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I was severely disappointed in the lack of Xbox One support for multiple of the egg hunt games as well as no work-arounds or alternate methods provided for receiving them. This was basically left up to each developer of the individual games, and a few nice ones actually provided work-arounds for mobile and even one did so for Xbox One.

I’m not too mad about most events getting removed (let’s face it, the sponsored events were getting stale, with some one-off good prizes here and there.) especially because of the implications of UGC items as awards in the future. However, I’m angry about the butchery and eventual removal of traditional non-sponsored events (which even they became more and more sponsored as time went on)

I’m really starting to get fed-up with Egg Hunts being dumped on by becoming Dev Hunts and choosing a plethora of trashy games (no offense), and games that don’t even work so well on various devices that many people have had problems with. This year goes the extra mile to exclude an official lobby, and hilariously throws in a great but fan-made lobby into the Egg Hunt sort on the front page because people were made about it not having one. They then had the mind to not just make it the official one and allow you to earn the Faberge right away after you’ve earned all the eggs like previous hunts. I’d rather walk around on a single empty baseplate with raining eggs than make myself go through the horrors of touching games like “Adopt Me” or “Royal High” just to get an egg.

I’ve heard the pay for full-on games are too low. This is on Roblox to fix this. I suggest lowering the ambition on egg hunts and settling for something in-between 2016 and 2017 type of egg hunts, so that the pay is justified compared to the effort going into the game.


For some reason I collected all the eggs and i still don’t have the FabergEgg…

This topic is a monthly recap, not for help or support.

Wow, other than the unfortunate pandemic & website issues, april was really productive for roblox! Breaking new records, and coming out with amazing features for developers! Can’t wait to see what may will unfold.

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Eh… I prefer the old trades page… less complicated.
As a trader, I think the new one is too large.

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