Hey developers,
April was pretty solid. It seems like we’ve all learned a lot while easing into this strange new reality. Let’s stay strong and keep our heads up as always!
Here are the changes that the platform saw in April.
Updates and Changes
Create User Ad Page Glow Up
The Create User Ad Page got a makeover and it looks SO GOOD! You can now preview your advertisement before you upload it and the page supports multiple languages and dark theme. Check out the announcement for more details.
Asset Manager is Here (Beta)
The Asset Manager, a replacement to the Game Explorer, is here and it’s quite a step up! Saying much more would be an injustice to the lovely announcement that nsgriff put together, so go take a look!
Unified Marketplace Fee for Dev Products and Game Passes
Non-Premium developers had a 90% marketplace fee on Dev Product and Game Pass sales. Not anymore! Now Non-Premium devs get the sweet, refreshing 30% that their Premium peers enjoy. See the announcement for more info!
Looking Forward in 2020: This Year’s Developer Roadmap
FUTURE! FUTURE! What does the future hold in terms of epic new features for Roblox developers? Well, you don’t have to speculate anymore - it’s all laid out on the roadmap!
Say hello to the new Lua dragger (Beta)
I’m awful at building on Roblox, but even I’m excited about the new tools written entirely in Lua for ease-of-customization! We can’t wait to see what you’ll make with these new-and-improved tools. The announcement has more details.
Account PIN now required for transferring group
Pretty self-explanatory. You need to enter your Account PIN now, if you have one set up, if you want to transfer your group to another user. Looking forward to seeing more account security improvements!
Configure Item now on Mobile
New Studio Beta Feature - CollisionFidelity.PreciseConvexDecomposition
There’s a new setting for the CollisionFidelity of MeshParts and PartOperations. See the announcement for some video demos and a whole lot more info!
Introducing the Play Together Sort
We created a Play Together sort that highlights Roblox simulations of real-life activities to help bring friends, families, and classrooms together. These games are providing VIP Servers for 10 Robux. There are more details and an application link in the announcement!
New Trades Page - Available for All Users
Sleek. Elegant. Powerful. No, this isn’t a car advertisement - it’s a new look for the Trades page! There are some screenshots in the announcement as well as additional information.
[Live] Changes to Motor6D.Transform and Motor.CurrentAngle 
Motor6D joints have historically been complicated, but we’ve fixed some of the inconsistent behavior issues. Hopefully, your knees should no longer be unintentionally backwards! Take a look at the announcement to learn what changed.
ScrollingFrame Changes
Smooth scrolling! Trackpad input support! Layout refinements! This is just a taste of what mrow_pizza’s announcement has in store for you, so go check it out!
StarterGear and Backpack Replication Bug Fix
We fixed a bug where StarterGear and Backpack, and the objects in them, wouldn’t properly replicate to the first Player object added to the game. Enjoy consistent behavior!
Tripling Premium Payouts
Premium Payout amounts got tripled - meaning that as of just a few days ago, your daily payouts should be 3x as big! Stonks . More details in the announcement!
Upcoming change to (correctly) limit the local count to 200
TLDR: Luau was enforcing a limit of 255 locals instead of the actual limit of 200. This has been fixed. Take a look at the announcement for more info!
One World: Together At Home Game Sort
Some of our favorite musicians, actors, comedians, and other entertainers captivated us from their homes in the One World: Together At Home Concert Series… in a Roblox game! How did the video look on your device? Who was your favorite? Who do you wish had performed?
Introducing Featured Search in App
We’ve made it so that the Game Search will attempt to highlight the game you’re looking for. This is live on both mobile and desktop. Read the announcement to learn more!
Introducing Audio Search by Length in Marketplace
Now you can search for audio and filter by length in the Studio Marketplace! Pretty cool, right? No more sifting through ballads looking for sound effects! Screenshots and details in the announcement.
Collaborative Editing updates
A few quality-of-life updates for Collaborative Editing. Check out the announcement to learn what those updates are!
Release Notes
There’s a real tragedy hidden in these numbers. I’ll point it out.
- Release Notes for 426
- Release Notes for 427
- Release Notes for 428
- Release Notes for 429
- Release Notes for 430 - here it is. Release 430 happened on 4/29. So close!
WHOA! So much happened last month! If these are the April showers, I can’t wait for the May flowers .
How’s everyone holding up? Have you learned any cool new skills during lockdown?
Stay safe and stay healthy!
Developer Relations